Chapter 24

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Third person pov.....

"YAHH Chaeryeong!! why are you taking so long?" Lia shouted outside Chaeryeong's room.

"Wait a minute unnie, I still can't choose what to wear" Chaeryeong shouted back.

Lia just shook her head and knocked again

"Chaer, can I come in?" it says.

"It's okay unnie, you can come in"

Lia slowly opened the door and saw Chaeryeong still wearing her robe.

"Why are you still wearing that?" Lia asked.

Chaeryeong just pouts.

"I don't know what to wear" Chaeryeong whined.

"Aishh...... come here" Lia approached Chaeryeong's closet but her eyes only widened when she saw how chaotic it was.

"What happened? Why the mess with your clothes?" LIa asked.

"Because I don't know what to wear so that's what happened"

"Silly..….." LIa mumbled and rolled her eyes.

"Help me choose unnie" Chaeryeong said.

"Chaer. It doesn't matter what you wear. Everything is beautiful for you" Lia said.

"Even though, Yeji is still the one facing me" Chaeryeong stressed while playing with her fingers.

Lia just rested deeply and looked at Chaeryeong's closet.

"Looks like it matters to you" Lia said and grinned.

"Are you sure unnie?"

"Yes chaeryeong"

While at Yeji's house......

"Just choose Yeji, just choose one...." she muttered while looking for clothes to wear.

"What should I wear? I have to be presentable in front of her" she said to herself again.

Until a shirt caught her attention.

"I think it's okay"

She took it and put it on. Then, she put on some make up and took her car key and got on it.

"Chaer. Why are you sweating?" Lia asked and smirked when she saw Chaeryeong's nervous look.

"I'm just nervous unnie, it's my first-"

"Your first date" Lia cut off and chuckled.

"No, I mean...."


"Yahh unnie!! don't play with me anymore!"

In the midst of plowing. They heard a horn, Chaeryeong looked out the window and saw Yeji getting out of hiler car.

"She's here" she said and adjusted herself.

The said woman rang the doorbell and Lia immediately opened it.

"Oh..... hey Yeji, are you two leaving?" Lia greeted Yeji with a smirk on her face.

"Yes, is Chaeryeong there?"

"Of course. Chaer!! Your Yeddeong is here!!" Lia shouted even though Chaeryeong was just behind the door.

Chaeryeong took a deep breath and came out.

She smiled when she saw Yeji.

"Yeddeong...." She called here.

"Chaer. You're beautiful....." Yeji said and stared at the girl from head to toe.

"T-thanks" Chaeryeong uttered.

"You two have left, Its late you know" Lia said and looked at her watch.

"Okay, let's go?" Yeji asked Chaeryeong and held out her hand.

"S-Sure" Chaeryeong stammered again.

They walked hand in hand to the car.

"Uhmm Yeddeong?" Chaeryeong calls Yeji. It looked at her.

"Where will we go?"

"I'm sorry if I didn't let you rest today. I just want to go somewhere, and I want to be with you" she replied.


"Come in" Yeji opened the car and Chaeryeong immediately got in and so did Yeji.

While on the way, the two just kept quiet. Chaeryeong is focused on her phone while Yeji is on the road.

Sometimes, Yeji took a glanced at the younger and suddenly she smiles.

"What are you looking at?" Yeji asked when she heard the brunette giggle.

"Its just Lia unnie, she keep messing on me" Chaeryeong replied and smiled.

Chaeryeong hid her phone and looked at the road.

She wondered why they were passing on the
mountainous road.

"Uhmm Yeji. Why are we passing through here?"

"We're going to our family's rest house. No one else lives there. Besides, it's by the sea so it's nice to stay there" Yeji replied.



"But why are we going there?"

"I miss that place, and I want to do something there" Yeji looked at Chaeryeong again. And for a moment Chaeryeong felt a hand holding her.

She looked down and saw Yeji's hand holding her hand.

Instead of letting go, she just let it  and focused her gaze on the window.

(Time skip)

"Wow, this place is so big...... and pretty !!" Chaeryeong shouted when she saw the inside of Yeji's rest house.

"I'm glad you liked it" Yeji said and giggled.

"Can I look around?"


Chaeryeong looked around and was amazed at the modern design of the House. It is clean and well equipped.

She entered a room and her eyes widened when she saw some shelves of the cabinet full of books.

She loves reading so that's how happy she is when she sees them.

She circled the room and was even more amazed when she saw the study table.

While Yeji, she sat first on the couch to ease her tiredness.

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