Chapter 37

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Jared's POV

"This is ridiculous. I mean why did you hide this from us?" Liza demanded from Amelia as she paced around the living room.

Amelia said nothing as she silently sat on the sofa with her legs crossed, a bored expression painted on her face.

"I'm talking to you mom. I mean can I even call you that? First its a woman named Beth and now its you? What am I supposed to believe?" Liza yelled in frustration. 

"Dear, could you please just let this go. I don't even know what Harry was thinking. What business does he have telling you this?" Amelia declared, running a hand through her curls. 

Liza groaned and went to take a seat next to her.

"So Harry isn't lying. Me and Jared aren't related?" Liza pleaded desperately. 

Amelia finally looked at her daughter with a stern look. 

"If you want to know so bad, then the answer is yes. You and Jared aren't biologically related."

"What?! Why would you hide this?" Liza screeched, tears clouding her eyes.

Amelia sighed and rubbed her temple. 

"Because me and Jared's father both had affairs. We cheated on each other and we were completely okay with it because we didn't want to be together. So Beth was pregnant with Jared and I was pregnant with you. Since our affairs were a secret, we decided it was best to not tell you."

I listened carefully because I didn't know Amelia had an affair with someone else. I had always had my suspicions that Beth was not Liza's mother, but I had never guessed Liza's father was someone else. 

"I don't understand why you lied to me though! If I was your real child, why would you tell me Beth was my mother?" Liza questioned in between sobs.

Amelia groaned and huffed in annoyance. "Because I was embarrassed and it was easier to blame Jared's father than take responsibility for what I did. Your real father was a retired French actor. He died in a car accident a few months before you were born. So I told Robert my situation and we agreed to hide it."

Liza stopped crying and wiped her tears.

She then threw a sad glance at me and closed her eyes. 

"So if me and Jared aren't related, what happens now?" she asked with despair. 

I interjected as Amelia was about to respond.

"Nothing happens. You will always be my sister even if we aren't blood related. I won't treat you differently just because of this messed up situation."

Liza ran up and gave me a hug while Amelia threw me an unpleasant glare.

"Jared, let's go talk somewhere private," Amelia then said.

"You can say what you want right here," I stated, returning Liza's hug.

"Its a serious conversation. Liza doesn't need to be present," she venomously spat. 

This woman was starting to get on my nerves.

"Fine," I reluctantly said, letting go of Liza. 

I followed Amelia to her sitting room, leaving Liza on the sofa.

I entered the room and shut the door.

"What is it?" I immediately asked, leaning against the door. 

Amelia took a seat in an armchair and crossed her legs. 

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