Chapter 1 ||First Day||

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•Sagittarius' POV•

I was sound asleep and was RUDLY interrupted by my Alarm! I Felt like Throwing it across the room but instead I just got out of bed and Unplugged it. I do not know why I didn't just Shut it off but I didn't. I went to the Bathroom and brushed my teeth. Then I went to my closet and chose my outfit I decided to wear a Violet sweater it was a little long but I didn't care,Black Leggings, and Purple Sneakers. I put my hair up in a messy ponytail and Went downstairs. I go down to see my Mom setting the Table,Dad making Breakfast, and My older Sister..Upset.
She wasn't the type of person you wanted to see upset at all. I go up to her and ask "what's wrong?" I didn't car TOO much but she didn't cry out of anger often.

"I got Expelled!" She Exclaimed

"Uhm Excuse me?!" I start to raise my voice a bit.

"The school decided I wasn't FIT TO REPRESENT SAGITTARIUS!"

I was in shock.. that meant I would have to take her place.. I was happy where I was though!

"They asked if I have any sibling and I told them I have a little sister and they wanted you to take my place!" She yelled

"It's not impossible for a sibling to take their siblings place in Being a zodiac dear.." Mom said In a calm tone of voice.

"You know I wanted this position!" My sister yelled

I just grabbed my bag and left. I knew where the school was I would always go to drop her off with mom or it would just be me and her sometimes. I get to the school to see a woman just waving to me. I ran to her and She greeted me.

"Hello! You must be Sagittarius, Correct?" She said her voice was High pitched.

"Yes I'm here to take my sisters place.." I say looking down at my shoes.

"Your sister was a great student she just.. Caused some Unfixable problems.." the woman said Taking my hand and Walking me into the building.

"You'll meet the other signs they are their siblings replacements too.."

"Wait all the signs.. needed a new person to Represent them..?" I asked in shock

"Yes.. Don't get me wrong they were all Awesome students! But they all got mad when we Expelled Your sister.."


"Well, your here! Here's your schedule and how to get to all of them! And Remember, Don't end up like your sister." The woman said chuckling

And like that she left to a different room. I walked for a while and reached my locker.. I realized first period was Math,I hate math. All of the sudden I feel a person bump into me. I turn around angry because they pushed me into my locker and it hurt! But when I turned around it was a boy that seemed very timid and shy. He had a bunch of books on the ground and he was saying sorry A lot. He had Blonde hair, white jeans, baby Blue shirt, white Shoes, and Gray Glasses. I helped him up and picked up the books for him,I felt bad because he had a small bruise forming and his forehead and I could see tears forming in his eyes.

"I thank you for your help and kindness!" He said his voice Almost in a whisper.

" it was nothing, I'm Sagittarius by the way, You?" I say Trying to start a small conversation

"Oh! I'm cancer not as in the disease but the Zodiac!" He said shaking my hand

"So we both represent a sign, cool!" I say with a bright wide smile forming on my face.

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