Chapter 14 || Deal Pt.2||

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"Long time no see, right Doll?"

"What're you doing here?!"

"Awh, you scared~? We're good friends~! Right?"

"Uh- Well.."

"Oh that's right.. you tried to kill me.. Now I remember."

"Now There's no reason to get upset.."

She stepped closer.

"No reason? well.. if you didn't try to kill me maybe you wouldn't be a Target!"

"Oh- I did that..?"

"I'm not stupid Universe!" She grabbed Mr. U by the collar of his shirt.

"Dana.. You never attempted to help me or even Accept me as someone.. who you trusted."

"Listen.. it was such a long time ago.."

"Even now! When have you tried to EVER be anyone besides a Backstabbing Jerk?!"

"Uhm.. I didn't know that was the way you felt..!"

"Oh, maybe After you bullied me and Almost pushed me off the school roof makes you innocent right?!"

Dana stood silent.

"That's what I thought you Bastard!"

There were footsteps coming towards The three.

She left and the two were left speechless now knowing that they were Targets of the Strongest Zodiac who is Unbeatable.

"I heard yelling, is everything alright?" It was Leo

"Get away from me you Brat!" Dana said as she pushed Leo away.

Mr. U tapped Dana on the shoulder and whispered in her ear.

"If you're rude to Leo, what do you think she'll do to us?!"

"Oh, right!"

"I'm sorry Leo! I just thought.. you- were someone else.."

"It's alright ma'am."

Dana forced a smile on her face.

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"I was coming to ask Mrs. Lilac something."

"Oh she's In her office you can go see her."

"Thank you, ma'am!"

And with that said and done Leo left to go see Mrs. Lilac, but he wasn't fully telling the truth.
Yes, he would go see Mrs.Lilac but he never said what he would ask her.

Leo knocked on her office door.

"Who is it-?"

"It's Leo.."

There was loud Shattering sound of glass coming from her room.

"Ma'am are you"-

Leo opened the door and that was a mistake.

Mrs. Lilac was... Gone, she was stuck to the wall by a spear.

"Leo how's the mission going.?" The current Pisces said from an Ear piece.

"Not Good.. and I think it would be wise for you to see this."

•Small Time Skip•

The signs and The current Pisces Made it to the school and Mrs. Lilac's Office.

"Oh my.." The current Pisces was taking a look at the Spear and she knew who it belonged to.

"This belongs to Taurus..! The current Taurus."

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