Light-up Sketchers

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Saturday, 7:32pm

"You are such a twit," I said jokingly as I shoved Ella's arm.

Ella laughed, "All I'm saying is, I could easily throw you into a volcano if I tried."

"Not a chance." I laughed and looked down at my phone to check the time.

"I gotta go. It's getting late."

I stood up, put on my Light-up Sketchers, and velcroed them tight. I walked over to the mahogany staircase but was stopped by the sudden sound of a door breezing open. I flinched.

"Woah, sorry, I didn't think you would be right outside," said Vaughan, Ella's little brother. I was never super close with him, but he was always around. I have a few good memories with him, like the time when I had a gingerbread competition with him, Ella, and Liam, Vaughan's best friend. It was an intense battle and both houses were good, but unfortunately, Ella and I lost. I swear it was because they were younger.

"Get out of the way, moron." I said, obviously kidding.

He scoffed.

I rolled my eyes and continued down the stairs, flushing with thoughts racing through my head. I hadn't noticed how attractive Vaughan had gotten these past few months. He seems to be much taller, and more lean. Not that I would have any sort of intentions with him; after all, he is my best friend's brother. Not to mention that I've known him for more than half my life.

"Chiara," Mrs. Harry, Ella's mom, said as I was leaving, "get home safe. Vaughan will watch you through his window like usual to make sure you are okay."

"Thanks," I said hesitantly. I am glad I have someone to protect me, not in that way, but, this neighborhood is usually crowded with traffic, and I wouldn't want to get hurt again; not again, never again.

I tightened my Sketchers once more and got into my bright red car, Peggy. I put the key in the ignition, and the radio started blasting Galantis, one of my favorite artists.

Christ, I blessed myself and I whispered under my breath, It's gonna be okay, just hit the gas. Loud sounds usually freak me out, as well as spiders, the dark, large crowds, Joshua Bassett (,) being alone, and, most of all, other cars. I turned down the volume on the radio and turned up the heat. I almost forgot, I am also afraid of the cold.

I stare out my windshield waiting for...what am I waiting for? I hit the gas and inch forward, paying close attention to all road signs and stop lights. It is never as bad as I think it's going to be. It's all in your head, I tell myself. I try to distract myself by thinking of Peggy. Peggy's interior is decorated with fake flowers, lights, and pins, as well as some questionable additions like a photo of Hank Green taped to the ceiling; don't ask. My car is my happy place, as much as I hate driving it. I drive down the road thinking about all the memories I've had in this car. Once, Ella and I took Vaughan and Liam to the park. I'll spare you the details, but it ended up with me sitting on a baby; an actual baby. On the way back, Vaughan thought it would be funny to make baby noises in the back seat. I'll admit it was quite funny, yet traumatic.

I pull into my driveway safely and step inside. I find my way upstairs into my room. The house is quiet now that my sister has moved out. But, unfortunately, my peace is interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hi, can you come back to my house? Now." I hear Ella say in such a way that makes her sound flustered.

"I just got home, Ella, I can't."

"Please. It's important."

"You know it takes a lot for me to drive somewhere. Could you just tell me over the phone?" I beg.

"No. Ugh fine. I'll go over there myself."

"I-" My words are cut short by the beep of the call ending. That was weird, I think to myself. I truly hope she is okay, I didn't mean to make her upset, but I've already driven twice today; that's enough for me.

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