Minecraft Pajamas

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Sunday, 9:00am

My sister got home late last night. I think she was telling Chiara that we are moving. Although I'm not sure why she decided to do so at such a late time. I'm going to miss Chiara and her family, but I'll get over it.

I put my headset on and stand in front of the TV to play my video games.

"Vaughan," I hear my mom say from the kitchen, "you're going to ruin your eyesight if you stand so close to the TV."

I roll my eyes and take a step back. Ella comes down the stairs and makes herself breakfast.

"What did Chiara say when you told her last night?" I asked

"She was fine with it." she said, her face saying otherwise. "You look like a twerp in your Minecraft pajamas." she picked up again.

"You're just jealous." I snapped, trying to stay focused on my game.

Ella finished up her breakfast and started heading back upstairs to her room. On her way up, she stopped in the hallway, staring at a picture framed on the wall. It was of her and Chiara, I think, although I've never really taken the time to look at it. As soon as she went upstairs I took off my headset and shut off my game. I stepped over to where Ella had been frozen a few minutes before, and took the photo off the wall to get a better look. It was nothing special. It looked just like every other picture they have together. The only thing slightly special was Chiara. She had her hair done up in a nice braid. She looks good in a braid, I thought.

"What the heck are you doing?" I hear Ella's voice getting closer and closer until the frame is snatched from my hands.

"I was just looking I-"

Before I can finish my sentence she runs upstairs, picture in hand. Whatever, I think, I don't get why it's such a big deal. It's just a photo. I look up at the newly empty space on the wall, unfazed. I should check up on Ella, I think for a moment, but maybe it's just girl stuff. Not my problem. I am about to head back to my game when the doorbell rings, but I let my mom answer it.

"Vaughan, sweetie, it's for you," she yells.

I run to the door to find Liam standing there. Now that Ella told Chiara about the move, I figure it's my turn to do the same with Liam. He steps inside and we go up to chill in my room. We usually hang out on Sundays, so hopefully Liam thinks it's just another normal one of those, but of course, it isn't.

"Hey Liam, before we play video games or whatever, I gotta talk to you." I begin.

"Yeah what's up?" He replies.

"I'm moving to California in a few months." I say, getting straight to the point.

"Oh, cool." Liam says. I was surprised by his response, I mean it's cool that I don't have to deal with any emotions, but I was expecting something else I guess. That was a lot easier than Ella made it seem. I laugh and we move outside to play soccer, instead of playing video games like we planned. 

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