The Text

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Thursday, 3:25pm

As I walk into the Harry's house through the bright red door, I see boxes upon boxes along the walls. Most of them are labeled with things like "fragile china" or "pots and pans." I bet I could tell you every single thing in those boxes. From the green plates, to the burgundy bowls. The house is practically empty. It's so weird to see it like this because I've never seen it any other way but cluttered and homey. The green walls are plain, and there's no British flag draped over the table.

There's about a week left until Ella moves across the country. Although it has gotten easier to deal with, I'm dreading it. Just thinking about having to see her wave goodbye and get on the plane makes my eyes well up.

I kick off my light-up sketchers and say hi to Mrs. Harry before running upstairs. I hear Liam come in shortly after.

"Hey, Ella." I say, opening up the door to her room and stepping in. The room is empty, as I suspected. Nothing but her furniture and a weeks-worth of clothes on the desk.

"Hey." She says back to me.

I sit on her bed next to her, making myself comfortable.

"So, one week left, innit?" I say in a bad British accent. I slap my hand over my face in immediate regret.

Ella laughs and playfully shoves my arm, "You sound like my dad trying to do an American accent."

"You are such a twit!" I say jokingly as I shove Ella's arm back.

"All I'm saying is, if you tried to speak like a minion, I wouldn't know the difference between that or your attempt at a British accent."

"Not a chance." I laugh and look down at my hands.

"Do you want to help me pack up the rest of my stuff?" Ella asks, changing the subject a bit.

"Sure." I reply. She doesn't have much left to pack anyway; Just a few little things here and there.

"We have to stay in a hotel starting tomorrow night so that all of our things can be shipped to our new house." Ella says, making conversation while picking up boxes and moving them to the corner of her room.

"So I've heard. Does that mean no more visits?"

"You probably won't be able to come over, but I could still go to your house."

I put my head down to think. It's weird watching all of these things change right in front of my eyes. It's all happening so fast, and I know this entire thing is inevitable, but that doesn't mean I can't be upset by it.

"What are you going to do all summer? You know, since you're gonna be across the country and we won't be able to hang out." I ask.

"Hm... I guess I haven't thought about that yet," Ella replies with a concerned look on her face,"but I'm not worried about it. It's only two months until the school year starts back up."

I nod my head and sit down on the bed. We talk for a few hours before being called downstairs to eat dinner.

As I turn the corner to the kitchen, I see Vaughan's blonde hair from behind the counter. He and Liam sit at the table, waiting for us to arrive so that we can all eat together. Wow, he has such nice manners.

I hop up on the stool next to him, and Ella sits next to me. I like when all of us eat together. It's like having two families.

Mr. Harry puts a plate with burgers and hot dogs in front of each of us. Liam and Vaughan immediately shove the food into their mouths in a rush.

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