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Thursday, 2:49pm

Ella and Vaughan had their last day of school today which means I got to pay the bills with a little less quiet than usual, though it was a half day. Ella occupies herself, and Vaughan plays video games and football out in the yard all day. He usually assembles a group of four or five kids from the baseball field next to our house and plays with them. If only it was that easy anymore.

I assume that Liam and Chiara will be over here any minute. I'm nervous to be here while Liam and Vaughan are together; not that anything has changed since the letter that I read, but there's no way I would be able to erase it. I just don't want to slip up or make anything weird.

I sit on the couch and watch television when I hear footsteps travelling through the second floor of the house to the bottom of the stairs. I turn my head back to see what the ruckus was; Ella and Vaughan chase each other around the kitchen island, shouting.

"Give it back, Vaughan!" Ella yells.

"No, you loser." Vaughan spits back.

They continue to shoot back and forth with some not-so-friendly banter as they run laps around the kitchen. Finally, I put an end to the madness.

"What is wrong with you two?"

They pause their fighting and turn to face me. They stand up straight as if I was a drill sergeant instructing them,

"Vaughan took my journal," Ella says with her arms crossed against her chest.

My eyes shift over to Vaughan, whose eyes are rolled to the back of his head.

"I just wanted to know what was going on in her life. She never tells me anything; only Chiara gets to hear about her drama."

"You could have just asked if you wanted to talk to me." Ella says.

"You wouldn't have told me." Vaughan admits.

"What, like you don't have some secrets too?"

I suck in a sharp breath at Ella's words, causing both of them to look at me. It's just a coincidence.

"Sorry, I-I... well, whatever. Ella, you have to make an effort to be there for your family. I know you won't be with Chiara for much longer, but you don't know what the next day brings. Vaughan, you are not allowed to go into Ella's room, or go through her stuff without permission. How would you like it if she went through all of your drawers and cabinets?"

Vaughan shakes his head.

"Now go outside and play with each other until Liam and Chiara get here."

I mess up Vaughan's hair and give him a pat on the shoulder to push him outside. Ella turns and follows him out the door. I feel like they should be able to resolve their own problems, but I can't help but step in sometimes. I hate to see them fight over stupid reasons. 

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