Chapter 35🖤

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It's the night of my wedding, Kyle and his father had come back about 1 hour ago and I haven't seen Kyle. His mother said it's because it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding but I think this wedding is already bad luck.

She made me slip on the dress and has been fixing my hair in loose curls for about 30 minutes, it kind of feels nice. She has been giving me extra attention since the men had left. She brought us some snacks. She knows I like to read so she brought me a few of her old books she kept here, it was sweet.

She says that we will have a feast tonight, the whole clan always comes here for weddings, well the ones that live close or on the mountain.

I'm pretty nervous about meeting everyone, I can feel my anxiety starting to grow strong in my chest sending pain down my shoulder and up my neck. I like Kyle, if his family wouldn't be Cannibals I wouldn't think twice about getting to know him. That's the problem even though Kyle is who he is, my heart doesn't want to listen and I find some of the things he does for me are sweet.

An hour later the mother is leading me outside and the breathe rushes out my lungs as I spot the open area ahead. They have string white lights hanging from the trees all around a beautiful white gazebo that I hadn't noticed before. Beautiful red and white flowers cover the ground around it and it's a beautiful sight.

I see people sitting in dark wooden chairs in front of the gazebo and a table full of fresh fruit and vegetables along with two barbecue pits going. It looks like one big family gathered around and I look to the left and see a gift table with a few gifts on it which bring tears to my eyes. I have never received a present or a gift for anything in my life. No Christmas presents, I wouldn't even wake up the morning of Christmas because I knew nothing under the tree would be for me.

My birthdays have never been important to me because none of my foster family's ever done anything for my birthday not even bake me a cake, heck they didn't even bother to go buy me a cheap cake from the store.

I'm overwhelmed right now I can't keep the tears from falling out of my eyes, the mother must hear me sniffle loudly cause she wraps her arms around me and pulls me close to her.

"I know, dear. This feeling right now is the feeling of being loved. This is your new family and even though it was short notice they still pulled all this together for you and Kyle" she whispers as she walks us closer to everyone.

I'm trying to take a hold of my feelings, trying to keep them hidden deep inside me, I don't want to like being here. I don't want to get to know these people that do bad things but I feel the walls around me coming down and a part of me wants to learn how to let these people in.

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