Press conference

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"Alright class listen up !" the teacher said. Once she had the class' attention, she continued, "as you probably know, Tony Stark scheduled a press conference today. He said it was really important so I decided that we were going to watch it live. It starts it 5 minutes."

The students cheered and Ned smirked knowingly. Peter wasn't here today for a reason.


"Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God" Peter was hyperventilating, Tony chuckled and put a hand on his shoulder. 

"I'm really doing this"

"You are really doing this."

"This is really happening."

"Hell yeah it is."

"I'm gonna screw up."

"You're gonna be great."

"Boys, it's starting !" Pepper said. She walked over the stage and made a quick introduction.

"Hello everyone. As you may know I'm Pepper Stark, CEO of Stark Industries. I'm sure you're all curious to know why we scheduled this press conference. Let me start at the beginning. I've been working for Tony Stark for over 20 years. I've been there for the most important moments of his life and I'll be there for all of the future ones. I think we can all agree that he's had quite a few during the past years. But none of them compare to the day a lady showed at the tower. She was working for the social services. She was carrying in her arms, a 3 years old baby, that she claimed was Tony's. We decided to run a DNA test and turns out she was right. We found out his mother died recently and he didn't have any other relatives. So we agreed to take him in. And that was the most important moment, not just of Tony's life, but of my life too. Ladies and gentlemen, Peter Benjamin Stark."

Peter walked in and every journalist stood up trying to take pictures of him. He waited until they all calmed down, then started speaking.

"Hi everyone, I'm Peter, I don't have a big speech prepared, I'm not very good at that, I'll just leave it to my mom", he joked, trying to lighten up the mood, "but I can answer questions. Please raise your hand and I'll give you the floor." 

"You, with the brown jacket."

"Elaine Johnson, Forbes. Why didn't we know about you sooner ?"

"My dad didn't want me to grow up famous, he knows how that feels. So I spent the last 13 years under a fake name, Peter Parker. If anyone saw me at the tower, I'd say I have an internship. You, with the blue tie."

"William Cooper, New Yorker. Tell us a little bit about yourself."

"Uh... well I'm 16, I go to Midtown High School. I like Star Wars, building LEGOs with my best friend and and building stuff with my dad. You in the grey dress."

"Alice Brown. Harper's Magazine. What kind of relationship do you have with the Avengers ?"

"Oh, they're like my uncles and aunts. I love them. I train with Natasha, run with Steve, cook with Bucky, play pranks on everyone with Clint and experiment in the lab with Bruce and dad. Actually, they're here right now, waiting backstage. Except Clint. He's probably watching from the vents."

The conference went on like this and 30 minutes later, Tony and Pepper walked over and stood beside Peter.

"I think this'll be all for today. Thank you for coming and know that if you ever hurt him in some way, you'll have the Avengers at your doorstep. Don't harass him in the street and paparazzies better leave him alone or a lawsuit is heading their way. Have a good day." Tony said, doing the peace sign before leaving with his son and wife.


At school, everyone was freaking out. Peter Parker was a Stark. Ned was trying so hard not to laugh at their reactions. Flash's mouth was wide open since Peter appeared on the screen, and Ned was actually worried about him. He texted his friend 'Dude you're so screwed tomorrow.'


Next morning Peter arrived at school. As soon as the car parked, it was crowded with students and paps. 

"They are so getting sued." Tony grumbled.

He hugged his dad and Happy helped him push his way through the crowd, occasionally yelling at people who never heard of personal space.

He thought the worst was over. Boy, he was wrong. Once inside the school, he walked to his locker, trying to ignore the stares. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding when he spotted Ned and MJ.

"Dude ! That was awesome ! You should've seen their looks ! MJ was drawing people the whole conference."

"He's right. But you're still a loser."

"Thanks dude ! And thanks MJ... I guess."

It was weird not being invisible anymore. But Peter eventually got used to the attention and  always stuck with his real friends. 

Peter Parker one shots // ft. irondad and the avengersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz