Car accident

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Okay so... Peter was kind of screwed. He didn't mean to do that. Actually, he did but he didn't think of the consequences. Anyways, he was screwed. Everyone had seen it and it was only a matter of time before people put two and two together.

*2 hours earlier*

Peter yawned as he walked out of school. It had been an exhausting day and all he wanted right now was his bed. Unfortunately, Happy couldn't pick him up today, so he had to walk home. He put his earbuds on, he liked to listen to music while walking. He was vibing to a song when his Spidey-Sense suddenly alerted him of some danger. He looked around him, looking for some threat when he realized he'd just stopped in the middle of the road.

A car was moving at full speed, headed to him. The driver looked scared, so Peter deduced that he didn't know how to stop the engine. Before he could think, the car was a second away from hitting him and all he could do was put his hands in front of him and close his eyes, waiting for the impact.

He heard some gasps around him and slowly opened his eyes.

'Am I dead ?'

No. He was not. The first thing he saw was the driver, looking down at him, shocked. Peter wondered why he looked so stunned when he realized he was holding up the car.

'Oh, right. Super-strength.'

He looked around him and realized he was holding up the car in the middle of the street. People didn't even try to hide their phones.

'Oh shit.'

Some reporters started to show up and he realized he was holding up the car for a long time now.

'Maybe I should put it down. I should probably put it down.'

He put down the car and didn't even have time to check on the driver before being crowded by reporters and random people.

"Who are you ?"

"What's your name ?"

"How did you do that ? Are you a super-hero ?"

Peter started to get a headache and tried to get out of there, but they followed him. His cover was obviously blown and he didn't even have his web-shooters, so he couldn't swing away. Suddenly, he heard thrusters coming from above him and he barely got the time to look up before a familiar iron-suit landed in front of him.

"Alright, alright, show's over," Tony Stark said as he came out of the armor, "Get away from him before I sue all of your asses."

He put his arm around the boy's shoulders and got him out of the crowd. 

"Thanks," Peter sighed, "How did you know I was here ?"

"FRIDAY alerted me. Said your heartbeat was faster than usual. And you're also all over the news."

"I'm what ?! Oh no. No, no, no, no. This isn't good. Oh no."  Peter started pacing and muttering about how his life was ruined.

Tony called the suit and grabbed the boy before flying to the Tower. Didn't need him to have a panic attack in the street.

"Alright, Pete." They crashed through the window and landed in the penthouse. Peter was breathing heavily and Tony grabbed his shoulders. "I'm gonna need you to calm down, okay ? Take a deep breath. We're gonna fix this. Everything's gonna be alright."

"Oh, I know. I'm out of breath because we just crashed through a window."

"Really ?"

"No ! People are gonna find out I'm Spider-Man ! I'll never be normal again, and May- Oh my God, May ! Where is she ? I have to find her, I-"

"May's okay, she's with Happy right now. As for you identity, I know that's not how you wanted to be done but it was meant to happen. Whatever happens next, it's your call."

"But- I don't know, I don't know what to do. I say it's your call." 

"What ?"

"You decide what's gonna happen. Please." He looked at Tony with that hopeful smile no one could resist. The man sighed.

"You sure ? You're not gonna like it."

Peter nodded, "I trust you."


"I shouldn't have trusted you." the boy muttered as he walked on stage.

"Oh, come on." Tony patted his shoulder, "I did it, you can do it too."

He grunted and gently tapped the microphone on the podium.

"Uh... Hi. You're probably here because you want to know what happened the other day. I don't really like speaking in public so I'm going to be straight with you."

The reporters eagerly waited for him to continue.

"My name is Peter Parker, and I'm Spider-Man."

They went crazy. Peter decided to leave before the camera flashes and the noise became too much for him.

"Hope you're happy." He grumbled as he passed Tony.

The man smiled and took the microphone for a brief moment.

"That's my boy."

He then left in turn, leaving the reporters go even crazier.

"God, I love doing that."

Peter Parker one shots // ft. irondad and the avengersOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant