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Peter was freaking out. People knew about him. It was only a matter of time before they would find out his secret identity. But let's start at the beginning...

Peter and Tony had just finished something they had been working on the entire day, and decided to celebrate with ice cream. They were eating while walking on the street, Tony's arm around the kid's shoulder. They were talking about a new idea Peter had when the boy's Spidey sense tingled. He looked around him but didn't see anything. He shrugged it off and went back to the conversation.


The next day, Peter got up and went to school. He walked in and everyone turned their head to him, watching as he made his way to his locker. He ignored them and headed to biology class.

"Dude," he said, sitting next to Ned, "Do I have something on my face ? Everyone's been staring at me since I came in."

"Dude ! Why didn't you answer my texts last night ?"

"I forgot my phone at the Tower, why ?"

"So you don't know ?"

"Know what ?" Peter was starting to get annoyed.

Ned took out his phone and showed him a picture of him and Tony yesterday. Tony was laughing at something Peter had said and the boy was looking at him, smiling while eating ice cream. Peter's eyes widened and he started to panic.

"Oh shit ! Oh my- I have to," his breath quickened and he couldn't finish his sentence, "Phone, call, now."

"Mr Parker ? Are you okay ?" The teacher asked. 

"He's having a panic attack !" Ned yelled.

Peter rushed out of the classroom and sat on the floor in the empty hallway. He stayed like that for a while, steadying his breathing when his super-hearing caught the sound of familiar thrusters. Iron-Man landed in front of the school and Tony Stark ran in, looking for Peter. He let out a sigh of relief and walked to him. 

"Hey kiddo."

"How- What are you doing here ?"

"Ted called me, apparently you had a panic attack."

"It was nothing, I'm fine now, sorry for bothering you." He seemed to find the floor very interesting.

"You didn't bother me, and it was not nothing. I'm familiar with panic attacks, it's not very pleasant."

"Thank you." The boy whispered.

"So, you wanna tell me what happened ?"

Peter looked up. "You don't know ?"

"Know what ?"

"They know about me."

"Who ?"

"Everyone ! Some paparazzi caught us yesterday, and now it's all over the news !" He buried his face in his hands.

Tony frowned, thinking. "I'll hold a press conference tomorrow. I'll make sure no one bothers you." 

"Still ! Everything's gonna change and people will know who I am and it's only a matter of time before they find out about Spider-Man."

His hands were stifling his voice so it came out more like muffled sounds but Tony still understood. He sighed and put a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"I'm sorry kid. This is all my fault. I-"

"No it's not." Peter frowned and looked at him dead in the eyes. "Just to be clear, I don't regret spending time with you, and I'd do it again anytime. I'll deal with the whole situation, don't worry. It's not like it's the worst thing that could happen."

Tony nodded and got up. "Come on." He stretched out his hand.

Peter looked at him, confused. "What ?"

"You said you'd do it again, right ? Let's give the medias something to talk about. If they're gonna know about you, might as well do it thoroughly."

The boy grinned and grabbed his hand, standing up. "Where are we going ?"


The next day, it was everywhere. Everyone was talking about Tony Stark's secret son after the medias published photos of Peter and Tony at a fair. Tony and Peter eating cotton candy, Tony and Peter in the Ferris wheel, Tony and Peter playing games...

Neither of them had spoken up about it yet, they had decided to let people make speculations about them, it was fun to watch fan theories. Apparently, Peter was the result of a one night stand with a famous actress, a friend's kid he was babysitting, a robot prototype Tony was working on, and it went on and on like that.

A week later, Tony held a press conference, where he said Peter was his personal intern, the heir of Stark Industries, and Spider-Man. Saying people weren't expecting this would be an understatement. And saying his popularity went up at school would also be an understatement. So much people came to him he actually had more sensory overloads than usual the past weeks. Tony tried to keep the paparazzi away from him, by threatening them, but some would still be waiting for him to get out of school, or following him in the street.

So Peter decided to graduate from high school early, and followed online classes at MIT while being trained by Pepper to be the next CEO of Stark Industries.

Peter Parker one shots // ft. irondad and the avengersWhere stories live. Discover now