Watching Homecoming Part 1

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It was supposed to be a peaceful, normal day. Peter had come to the Tower after school, and Tony and him were working on the Spider-Man suit, when suddenly, everything went black.


Peter woke up in an unfamiliar room. It looked like a theater. He turned his head and saw Tony, still unconscious, beside him. 

"Mr Stark," he shook his mentor, "Wake up."

The man slowly opened his eyes and groaned.

"What happened ? Are you alright ?" he looked around him, lost.

"I'm okay, but I don't know where we are-"

As he was finishing his sentence, they heard a loud thud and immediately snapped their heads toward it. There, were the Avengers. Peter saw Tony slightly pale from the corner of his eye. He knew the man hadn't spoken to them since the civil war, and they hadn't ended things on a very good note. However, the man quickly put on a neutral face when the team spotted them.

"Hey Tony", Steve said awkwardly.

"Rogers." He just nodded.

"Did you do this ?"

"No, I have no idea what's going on."

"Why's there a kid here ?" Sam asked, pointing to Peter.

"This is Peter, my intern." The boy blushed and waved.

It seemed like Steve was about to say something, but they heard another thud. And this time, Peter was the one to pale.

"Kid, isn't this your school ?" Tony asked and he just nodded, mortified.

The students woke up one by one, and started panicking shortly after. Some because they didn't know where they were, others because they spotted the Avengers.

"Oh my God, the Avengers !"

"What are we doing here ?"

"Is that Parker over there ?" Peter sighed at Flash's voice. This was going to be fun. Note the sarcasm.

"Alright", a voice came out of the speakers, making everyone jump, "Now that everybody's here, we can start. Please take a seat."

"Who's that ?" Tony frowned, "Why are we here ?" he said louder.

"You are all here to watch a movie."

"Why are there children here ?" Steve asked.

"You'll see."

The lights went out and the room went quiet. The screen was black but words were written on it.

'a Film by Peter Parker.'

Peter's eyes widened. "Oh no." he whispered.

"Peter Parker ? Is that you ?" Natasha asked, looking at him. He nodded and she smirked. She was onto something.

"What does Parker have to do with this ?" Flash shouted from the back on the room.

"New York. Queens. It's a rough borough, but hey, it's home." Some people laughed at his voice.

"Who you talking to ?" Happy asked.

"No one. Just making a little video of the trip."

"You know you can't show it to anyone."

"Yeah, I know."

"Then why are you narrating in that voice ?"

Peter Parker one shots // ft. irondad and the avengersWhere stories live. Discover now