Chapter 5: Common Ground

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Rain smiled gratefully at the maid as she curtsied after bringing another set of teacups and a second plate of biscuits. Marcus sat quietly with his tea, watching her with his usual unreadable expression on his face. It was unnerving.

"You're staring," she muttered as she poured herself a cup. "What are you thinking of? How soon you can be rid of me?"

He pulled back, sitting up straighter. "I believe you are the one hoping to be rid of me."

"True." Taking a biscuit, she popped it into her mouth as she looked after her sister and Lord Winter, who had gone for a stroll down the garden, leaving her alone with her husband. Traitors.

"And I was thinking many things," he admitted, surprising her by actually answering a question.

"Such as?"

She nearly jumped as he leaned closer, but he only picked something out of her hair. Holding it out to her, she smiled. A rose petal. She had been tending to the roses before her sister arrived. Looking up, she met Marcus's hazel eyes. They were burning with an intense fire as he leaned a little closer again.

"I was thinking about how much—despite everything—I want to kiss you again," he mumbled, his dark voice making her insides flutter.

Without thinking, she leaned in towards him, the fire in his eyes pulling her closer like a moth to a flame. She wanted him to kiss her, and she hated that she did. He didn't care for her. He never had. To him, she was nothing but the money he needed and he already got that, so why should they continue this farce of a marriage?

The raw wound of his betrayal made her pull back, the spell broken. "Why?" she asked, and he straightened, a look of confusion crossing his handsome features.


"Why do you want to kiss me again?" She crossed her arms over her chest. "Is it to scratch another kiss off your list?"

The twitch of a muscle in his jaw was the only response to her question as he stared at her, his face emotionless.

"What do you think this deal will bring?" she continued, his silence fuelling her anger further. "You will kiss me ten times and suddenly I will no longer want an annulment? Are your kisses truly that good?"

She laughed, but it was a hollow sound even to her ears. Especially since judging from the kiss the other night, they very well might be. If a marriage could be built entirely on attraction, they might have stood a chance. A burst of laughter from Lord Winter made her look over to where he stood with Nick. They looked lovely together, blond heads close together as they conversed. She hoped her sister would find the happiness that had been denied her.

Taking a sip of tea, her gaze returned to her husband, who sat quietly staring at his own cup. It didn't surprise her he had not answered her questions. He wasn't exactly the most accommodating man in the world.

"I had hoped we could remain civil," he finally said slowly, and she nearly threw her cup at his big, thick head.

"I am," she hissed. "You are the one not answering my questions. I shouldn't be surprised. You never do."

"That is blatantly untrue. I answer a great many questions." The muscle in his jaw was twitching again.

She set her teacup down before she could no longer resist the urge to use it as a projectile. Plastering a sweet smile on her face, she looked at him. "Is that so? You never told me why you pursued me two years ago."

He met her gaze straight on. "I did, but you did not appreciate the answer."

"Oh, that is right. That you pursued me since you needed my dowry." Her tone could have frozen the tea in their cups as she added, "And let's not forget the impressive winnings from the betting books at White's. I am so pleased I could help you. And to find out on our wedding day, no less."

Much Ado About Kissing (Howertys #4)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang