Chapter 14: The Leighton Ball

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It was rather amazing how a situation could go from bad to worse in such a short time. Marcus considered this as he listened to his friend recount the discoveries he'd made the other day.

"So you're saying the case you're working for Nicola Howerty is connected to the missing list?" he said when Winter took a moment to have a sip of the drink Marcus had offered him not long ago.

"It looks like it. Why else would the man I'm investigating for her have the address of the inn where the list thief was murdered? It's too much of a coincidence not to be the same man."

"True." Marcus did not believe in coincidences. This was exactly why he did not think his wife had accidentally ingested opium. The timing was far too suspicious. Looking at his friend, he noted the dark circles under the other man's eyes. There was nothing definitive for him to share yet, so he would not add to Winter's worries. He had enough to worry about.

"This means Nick is potentially in more danger than I considered." Winter sighed and dragged a hand over his face.

They were sitting in two comfortable armchairs in the study, sharing a drink after Winter had returned from a trip to follow a clue on his case. A case that was apparently linked to their missing list of spies. A peculiar development, indeed. Spending some time in his study was a welcome break from the tempting presence of his wife. That morning, an agent from the Rose Agency he trusted had arrived and would stay close to Rain so Marcus could get some work done without being distracted by her.

Maybe he could even have the agent stationed outside her bedroom door, so he would not be forced to share the room with her. Taking a sip of his drink, he realised he did not want to do that. As frustrating as it was to lie in his makeshift—and rather uncomfortable—bed, he rather enjoyed sharing a room with his wife.

"What are you planning to do?" he asked his friend.

"I will have to tell Nick about the list. She already figured out I used to be a spy some time ago, so I might as well tell her the rest."

Marcus raised an eyebrow. "She figured out you were a spy? What in the world did you say for her to make that connection?"

"I honestly don't know." Winter shrugged, then grinned. "She said it was that or a pirate."

That did sound like the youngest Howerty. "Have you told her about me?"

"No. But it would not surprise me if she figures it out. She told me once she met you outside the Rose Agency. It won't take long for her to make that connection."

"She is more observant than she lets on," Marcus mused.

"Have you told your wife?" Winter very obviously tried to look disinterested, but the way his gaze didn't leave Marcus gave away his curiosity.

"I have."

The stunned silence was rather gratifying. He took another sip of his drink before elaborating. "She took it well, though she is less than pleased about my continued presence in our house."

Winter scoffed. "Perhaps if you made an effort to woo her instead of ignoring one another."

"Stay out of my marriage," Marcus responded automatically, earning him a frustrated glare. It wasn't a terrible idea. Maybe he should try to woo his wife. He wasn't entirely sure how to go about it. Kisses were one thing. He knew how to kiss someone. But wooing was another beast entirely. He had managed it once as she had married him. Perhaps he could do it again. He frowned. Unless it truly had only been to gain a title.

"No need to scowl." Winter looked amused as he stood. "I won't make any other suggestions. I will attend the Leighton ball tonight and talk to Nick. Once I know what my next step will be, I will notify you."

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