Chapter 9: Three

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The afternoon light was waning as Marcus walked out into the back garden in search of his wife. She was outside more often than in, as long as the weather allowed. He nearly collided with another man as he turned around a row of rose bushes.

"Winterbourne!" His brother, Dash, nodded curtly towards him.

Their relationship had—understandably—been frosty since the wedding. Dash resented him for marrying Rain for all the wrong reasons, especially since he had shown some interest in her before Marcus even joined the Season. While Marcus wasn't sure if he could ever forgive him for sleeping with his wife. On their wedding night.

"Dash." He glanced in the direction his brother had come, but could not see Rain. "I did not realise you were here."

"I only stopped by to share some news with Rain." Dash sketched a bow. "I won't take up any of your time."

Marcus stared after his brother as he disappeared into the house. He knew Dash still saw Rain from time to time, but usually, it was in the company of their other friends. To have him see her alone was not something he had realised they did, and it didn't sit well with him. He walked further down the garden and froze as Rain suddenly stood from behind a bush. Her cheeks were rosy and two leaves had stuck to her dark hair. His stomach plummeted. Had she and Dash...?

"Oh, Marcus!" she said as she saw him. Her hand flew to her hair, attempting to adjust the strands that had escaped her bun and were now caressing her neck.

His eyes narrowed, but he refused to show jealousy. "What was Dash doing here?"

Mission unsuccessful.

"He was giving me an update on what my sister has been up to during the party at Kilkenny's. I am not surprised in the least." She giggled and shook her head. "Nick was never one for propriety."

"I see." He wasn't sure he did, and it didn't mean she had not been kissing his brother a moment ago.

There was a rustling in the bush next to her. He frowned. Did she have more men hiding out here with her? Frustrated, he muttered, "What is going on here?"

She had the grace to look guilty as she looked down. "I beg your pardon. It's only Malvern. I hope you won't mind."

Won't mind what? If she was seeing other men, he bloody well did mind.

"The city isn't good for him. I would like to bring him to Winterbourne Hall when I return after the Season," she continued, confusing him further.

Finally, he understood. She was talking about some animal. He should have known. It was always animals. For a moment, his blinding jealousy had disabled his logical thinking. Coming around the bush to stand next to his wife, he looked at the animal shuffling around in the grass, working its way towards a plate of fruit and vegetables.

"A hedgehog?"

"Isn't he cute?" Rain gushed. "I believe he would be much happier in the countryside. But for now, he will remain here in our garden."

She was adorable when she got excited about the strays and other animals she cared for. Her cornflower-blue eyes glittered with joy and her cheeks were warm from excitement.

"How many animals are in your care now?" he asked as he glanced at the hedgehog again. It was now happily munching on a slice of apple.

"I honestly wouldn't know," she admitted with a sheepish grin. "I release as many as possible as I can into the wild once they have healed if they were hurt. And I try to convince my friends and their families to adopt my cats and dogs."

"What would you say is the oddest animal you've tended to?"

She put her hand on his arm. "Come, let us give Malvern some space to eat in peace."

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