Chapter 21: Evening

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Finally. Marcus closed the ledger he'd worked on for most of the evening. After having spent so much time with Rain lately, he had fallen slightly behind on his paperwork, so it felt good to finally catch up. It had taken slightly longer than he'd hoped, so he was keen to find his wife for their promised kiss. Possibly, his work had taken longer because he kept getting distracted thinking about what was to come.

Would she ask him to share her bed again tonight? He was rather proud of his restraint in not touching her the previous night, beyond holding her close. Having her in his arms had been better than he imagined, even if it had been entirely chaste. He rather wished she would ask again. Though he wasn't sure how much longer he could resist her. He just had to remember she was injured and should not be doing any... strenuous activities.

However, there were certain things he could think of that would require very little of her... These thoughts were definitely to blame for his distraction, as his mind was more than happy to conjure images of the debauched things he wanted to do. But he doubted it was something he ought to broach with his wife, considering they had not even consummated their marriage yet.

Trying not to think about exactly what he wanted to do to his wife—and failing miserably—he walked down the hallway to the upstairs parlour where Rain spent most of her evenings. Only to find it empty. He frowned. It wasn't that late yet. Had she already gone to bed? A quick check in her bedchamber confirmed she had not. A chill travelled down his spine. Where could she be?

Hurrying his steps, he didn't stop to call for a servant, not wanting to waste time. Instead making his way to the kitchens where the servants were having a late supper. As the butler caught sight of him, he scrambled to his feet, followed by everyone else at the table. Having a duke appear in the kitchen was not an ordinary occurrence, and most of them looked as if they'd seen a ghost. Normally, he would have felt bad about disturbing them, but worry for Rain dampened every other emotion.

"Your Grace," Bromley said. "You should have rung. How can I assist you?"

"Do you know where my wife is?" The question came out harsher than intended, so he forced a smile. "I cannot find her."

"Her Grace is out in the garden," Bromley said. "Mr Russell accompanied her."

The garden? With a quick thank you, he turned on his heel and, after finding a lit oil lamp, he stalked out into the darkness beyond the terrace doors. At least Russell was with her. But what was she thinking, entering the garden at this hour? The faint light of another light source guided his steps. Coming around a row of rose bushes, he exhaled as he found Rain sitting in the grass next to a hedgehog. An oil lamp stood next to her and a plate of food offered to the hedgehog, who was happily munching away, caring little about having an audience to his gluttony.

Russell stood behind her, holding a second light, and gave Marcus an apologetic smile as he saw him. "Your Grace."

Marcus nodded to the man. "Russell. Thank you for keeping my wife company."

"My pleasure." The other man bowed and disappeared, leaving Marcus alone with Rain.

Looking up at him, she smiled. "I beg your pardon. I worried it might have frightened Malvern to have so many people in the garden today. The party was planned weeks ago, before I knew about our little guest."

"Naturally." She wouldn't be Rain if she wasn't concerned for some creature or other. He ran a hand through his hair, feeling silly for having worried about her. Russell would keep her safe. The man had been with the agency since its inception and was exceptionally good at what he did. "How... How is he? She?"

"He seems no worse for wear." She leaned a little closer to the prickly animal, her voice rising an octave. "Cause you're no coward, are you? No, you're not. A crowd of people won't send you scurrying from this wonderful garden."

"Certainly not while you provide a free feast every other night," Marcus muttered, gaining him a grin.

It was rather amazing to watch Rain with the hedgehog. They were known as rather shy creatures, but something about her obviously appealed to animals, as they all seemed to flock to her instinctively. He couldn't blame them. She had a soothing effect on him as well, and he was equally drawn to her presence as any odd beast.

As the hedgehog finished his plate of food, Rain dropped her hands to the grass in front of him, letting him sniff and explore her. After seeming content that it was someone he trusted and liked, the animal crawled into her hand and nudged his little face in between her thumb and index finger. Marcus had not expected to ever see someone pet a hedgehog, but Rain used her other hand to stroke from its nose up over his head. When she continued stroking over its laid down spines, he wanted to caution her but decided against it. The two appeared to have an understanding, and he didn't want to startle the animal and make it raise its spines.

Eventually, Rain let the creature back down and he sniffed the plate again—perhaps hoping someone has magically replenished it—before disappearing back underneath the rose bushes. Setting his lamp down, Marcus offered his hand and helped her to her feet.

"You have a remarkable talent with animals," he said, and unable to restrain himself, he pulled her to him, her body flush against his. "They seem to trust you."

Her cheeks darkened slightly as she shrugged. "I've always loved animals, and I guess they don't mind me. Maybe they sense I wish them no harm."

"You certainly have a good hand with this old beast." He lifted his hand to tuck an errant lock of hair behind her ear.

She chuckled. "You are hardly an old beast." A teasing grin spread over her face. "But if you are truly feeling like one, I can offer you some treats. How do you feel about worms? Malvern is quite partial to them."

"I'll pass, thank you." He let his hands wander down to cup her bottom, pushing her to him. Leaning down, the hair at her temple tickled his nose as he whispered in her ear, "I can think of other things I would much rather taste."

He felt more than heard her inhale, and there was a moment of silence before she murmured, "Well then... What is keeping you?"

What was keeping him? They had only three kisses left, and he had to make them count. An encounter in the garden had not been on his list. He wanted a lot more than a kiss outside. Not so much that he broke his vow to her to not consummate their marriage, but enough that he would have something to remember when she left. He had promised to step out of her life once it was safe to do so. He had three kisses left. Three kisses to convince her to stay.


His name on her lips spurred him into action. Taking her hand in his, he picked up the light and pulled her along as he strode through the darkened garden and back into the house.

"Where are we going?" she asked, her voice breathless from having to hurry her steps to keep up with him.

"To your bedchamber." He cast her a glance over his shoulder and was rather pleased to see her cheeks pink from heat.

"Oh." A moment's hesitation. "Why?"

A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "For privacy."



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