Chapter 26: Stay With Me (Part 2)

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Standing in Marcus's arms, Rain knew there was nowhere she would rather be at this moment. His lips were soft against hers as he playfully kissed her. She loved this Marcus. This relaxed man who was happy to get into a strawberry fight with her. Take a bath with her. Confess his feelings—or some of them, at least—to her. But, strangely, she also loved the stoic Marcus. She could see why he held back. Could understand his hesitancy of letting go. She hesitated too, and no one could accuse her of being stingy with letting people know how she felt—whether good or bad. If she struggled to get the words out, how could she expect Marcus, who had never known love from his family the same way she had, to do so?

Marcus lifted his head to look at her, his eyes hooded. "How many kisses is that?" he asked. "Was that the ninth in the bath?"

Doing a quick count in her head, she nodded. "I think any further kiss today should still count as the same one."

After a moment's hesitation, he nodded. "That seems fair."

She wasn't ready for their game to stop. The deal was a great excuse to keep kissing, even if she knew that the number no longer mattered to her. She wanted all the kisses. She wanted Marcus. And she would tell him so as soon as she found the courage.

Leaning down, he grazed her ear with his lips. "Get into bed," he whispered. "You are far too distracting like this."

"Oh?" She stepped away from him with a smile, walking back towards the bed. Lifting her hands, she began unwrapping the towel as his eyes followed her every move. "What about now?"

His eyes darkened as she let the towel fall to the floor, his gaze travelling over her naked body, worshipping every inch. Her entire life she had been appreciated for her beauty, sometimes to the detriment of every other quality she may or may not possess. 'Rain is so beautiful.' 'Look at that lustrous hair.' 'Her skin is flawless.' There were times she had felt as if no one saw her as anything other than a beautiful woman. Not as a person. Just as a beauty. With no substance beyond her looks.

But not with Marcus. While she knew he found her attractive—especially right now—she had never once felt like it was the only thing about her he liked. When he courted her, he had been attentive. He'd asked her questions and actually cared about her answers. He might have pursued her for her dowry, but now that she could look beyond the hurt and the betrayal, she could finally see that there had been so much more. A man who only wanted her for the money would have plied her with compliments and flattery. Marcus had given her his undivided attention, not hollow words.

Unless she was completely mistaken. On a whim, she tilted her head slightly. "Marcus? You said you would have married me without the dowry. Why? What did you like about me? Was it my looks?"

A line appeared between his brows, as if he was struggling to make sense of her words. "Pardon?"

She lifted a shoulder in a dainty shrug. "I would like to know what you like about me."

His chest expanded as he drew in a deep breath. She supposed it might be unfair to ask the question while she was naked. But his distraction might also mean he was more likely to answer truthfully. Would he give her a list of her most appreciated features?

"Could you..." He cleared his throat. "Could you put something on? I am only a man, Rain. My senses are preoccupied."

"Perhaps you will be more truthful, then."

"I have never outright lied to you, and I never will." He took the steps separating them and lifted his hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "It sounds silly... But you are the light in my life. The colours. Without you, my existence is dull. When I'm with you, everything is vibrant and alive. Including me. How could I ever let that go? I had to marry you."

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