Chapter 23: Tea Time

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"What have you looking like a content, overfed cat?" Mary looked at Rain with mirth glittering in her eyes as she reached over and picked up a cucumber sandwich from the plate set out on the table for their little garden gathering.

"I reckon it's related to Winterbourne living back home," Olivia said with a grin.

It was difficult not to blush, and Rain wasn't entirely sure she managed. The previous night had been glorious. More than glorious. What was better than glorious? Wonderful? It didn't matter. Whatever word she used, she knew she wanted to experience it again. Soon. Maybe tonight. She looked down at her cup as she stirred milk into the tea. Perhaps she could convince Marcus to go further, though she wasn't sure how much further they could go without risking consummating their marriage.

"I fear our friend is holding out on us," Mary said with a wink at Olivia.

"Most definitely. It is not permitted."

They both looked at Rain, staring her down. She laughed. "I will admit to enjoying having Winterbourne at home, but that is all I will say on the matter."

"Ugh! Boring!" Olivia threw herself backwards in her chair. "You really must entertain your unmarried friends with tales of the sordid deeds you get to do with your husband. Let us live vicariously through you."

"That is hardly proper." Rain continued stirring her tea, feigning disinterest.

Mary scoffed. "When have any of us ever been proper?"

"What good has proper ever done any of us?" Olivia complained. "Maybe we should be brazen like your sister. Nick doesn't let anyone keep her from doing what she wants. Or propriety keep her from telling a man how she feels."

"Nick has her own insecurities," Rain mumbled. "She's just better at hiding them. But truly, I cannot tell unmarried ladies what happens in the marital bed."

Her friends sat up more straight and shared a look. Mary cleared her throat.

"But you are saying that you are, in fact, in the same bed?"

Cheeks burning, Rain nodded and was immediately rewarded by a joyful shriek. It was gratifying having two friends so staunchly in her corner. She had never told them why she and Marcus were not talking, but they had been fully aware that the two stayed away from one another. Never sharing a home, even less so a bed.

"Silly girls," she muttered, but she couldn't hold back a smile at their delight.

"We are happy for you," Mary said, and leaning forward slightly, she took Rain's hand and met her gaze. "All we want is for you to be happy. You have put a brave face on for two years, but to us who know you well, it has been obvious that the distance between you and Winterbourne has grated on you."

"Exactly." Olivia nodded. "Whatever the reason for your estrangement, I am glad to see the two of you together now. It was always clear how much he adored you."

"Even with that expressionless face of his." Mary giggled. "Even then, the way he looked at you during your courtship was nothing short of adoration."

"And we know you love him," Olivia continued. "You were so very much in love when you wed. It was heartbreaking to see you apart so soon after the wedding."

Rain stared down into her tea. Had Marcus's feelings been so clear even to her friends? Perhaps he had been telling her the truth all along. He said he would have married her without her dowry or the bets. Even without a declaration of love, she had to admit she believed he cared for her. And maybe that was enough? Maybe it had to be enough.

Because after spending this time with him—sharing eight kisses—the future she had painted for herself without him didn't look nearly as appealing anymore. Living alone in her cottage seemed a lonely existence compared to nights potentially filled with passion.

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