Bonus Chapter #2 - Flynn & Ben Encounters (1)

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A/N: I was so excited to put this chapter up, and now it's finally here! :D

(I literally wrote it about four or five months ago)

Picture above is Benjamin Matthews (in year eleven), portrayed by Freddie Stroma.

P.S. Be sure to read to the end... (; *cough cough* Flynn's dare *cough*

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Past Flynn & Benjamin Encounters (Part 1 of 3)

Flynn's POV

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19th October 2007 (Year 8)

"Check out that loser." Liam says and plasters his signature smirk on his lips. I glanced to where he was looking and saw that it was a guy in my year.

Benjamin, I think his name was. I didn't really care to remember, the guy was a total loser, his daily tasks included sucking up to the teacher, doing lots of homework, asking for extra work and did I mention sucking up to the teacher?

I snickered as I watched him take out the his belongings from his locker, his blonde hair was so long that it fell to his shoulders and I watched as it bounced as he glanced around the corridor wearily. Benjamin was scrawny and had these thick framed glasses that took up half his face and he always had a thing for wearing checkered shirts and plimsoles.

Before I could even ask what was happening, Liam started walking towards Benjamin with his crew. Zach and I glanced to each other and he shrugged and caught up to his brother, I followed after him.

"Didn't realise a skinny bloke like you could carry that many books at a time. You look like you're struggling, let me help you." Liam grinned cunningly and slammed his hand down on all of Ben's textbooks, sending them all hurdling to the floor.

Then Calvin and Oliver started playing football with Ben's rucksack that he left on the floor but they soon got bored of it and left it.

"Prick." Ben muttered as Liam and his crew walked away.

"You better watch your mouth." I spat out and went to catch up to the gang. Ben didn't reply so I was satisfied. I saw that Zach didn't move from his place to catch up with his brother.

"What are you doing Zach?" I glared at him as I watched him help pick up the books off the floor. We were only in year eight and Ben was already preparing for GCSE, total loser, that guy.

"Just fuck off Flynn." He muttered and stood up from his position on the floor, handing Benjamin his textbooks and walked down the corridor to pick the bag up and dust it off with his hands.

I waited for him a while longer, Ben kept muttering stupid things to me but It was going in one ear and out the other. I vaguely remember him saying something about me regretting it all one day. I almost felt like laughing because this was Ben. Scrawny, nerdy Ben. There was finally somebody in the school shorter than me and that gave me a boost of confidence because for once, I had the power.

I didn't want to wait for Zach any longer so instead I caught up to Liam. Liam wasn't as sensitive as his brother, he was much cooler. He was like my second brother, I've never had any siblings. I was born an only child so I never had anybody to look up to and admire before I met Zach but now I do. Whatever Liam does, I'd do too- that's what siblings do, right?

"Your brother is weird." I muttered to him and Liam halted in his footsteps and turned around.

"That's because he actually cares for people." He snorted and patted my back, "don't be like that, it's not cool."

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