15. Make It Rain

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Dafuq? 300+ reads? Somebody pinch me... Actually, no, don't do that. I might hospitalise you. *evil laugh*

Enjoy because I know I did while writing it!

P.s, this chapter will be split in to two parts. Maybe three, I'm not sure.


"Happy belated birthday Cammie!" I shouted from the doorstep as said person jumped out of Jace's car.

She grinned at me as she skipped to the door where I was standing.

"I'm thirteen now." She informed me even though I knew already.

"I know you are, happy birthday!" I repeated and moved out the way just a little to allow her small frame to go inside the house.

It was only nine in the morning and I was still half asleep; Saturday's are meant for lie in's.

I felt my cheeks get hot as My eyes darted to Jace who had just clambered out the car. Molly was nearby, talking to Camellia and I tugged on her arm to grab her attention.

"Slap me." I demanded her as I dragged her next to me.

I watched as Jace locked his car and got closer and closer to the house or more particularly, me. I panicked and frantically urged Molly to slap me so that Jace'll think that I'm not actually all flustered over his stupid face.

Why do you have to blush right now, cheeks? Why?

Molly did as she was told, I reckon she noticed my massive blush when she saw my face. I winced at the sting I felt from her slap and she covered her mouth with her hands as she laughed.

"I feel like asking why she just slapped you but I don't really care." Jace snickered as he reached the doorstep I was currently standing on.

I smiled at him and shoved his shoulder playfully. "Of course you do." He returned the gesture by placing his hands on my waist. What was he doing?

Hey pushed me backwards and I quickly realised it was all to make space for him to get through the door.

"Ready for a big day?" He asked and I nodded. I was excited to go to London, I've only been a couple times but it's changed quite a lot since the last time I went when I was thirteen.

"My mum packed us some food even when I told her that we'd buy food there." I sighed. She literally packed the whole kitchen in a couple Tupperware's.

"Are the twins going?" He asked and cocked his eyebrow. I liked it when he did that, I never knew why though.

"Unfortunately." I frowned. Trisha came running down the stairs wearing a matching outfit to Molly. They both wore shorts, tights and graphic t-shirt. I told them both that it'll be a cold day but they never listened.

"You'll freeze." Jace laughed at their attire. Seriously, was he a mind reader?

Trisha flipped him off and Jace feigned hurt. His hand flew to his chest and he faked dying. It was actually hilarious and he wasn't bad at all at acting.

Camellia came round to us looked beyond confused as to why her brother was laying on the floor in front of the house door. She kicked his arm with her foot and his eyes shot open and glared at the culprit but when he only saw his sister, his whole face softened.

"Why'd you 'ave to go and bully me for?" He huffed and stood up, brushing himself off.

"Because you were being your usual loser self, loser." She snickered.

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