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I get out of my bed and brush my teeth as I pick out an outfit. I smile as I pull out a tan crop jacket with a black tank top, along with some skinny jeans and boots. I put my hair up into a ponytail as I changed into my outfit. I then head over to the Cullens. I arrive at their house and see Alice outside waiting for me. I smile and hug her.

"Wow! You look nice!" Alice says.

I chuckle and shake my head as we walk around to the back where Jasper was. I smell the others inside and smell Italian cooking. It smelled really good, so I was slightly disappointed that I couldn't eat it. I talk with Alice and Jasper for a bit until I challenge Alice to a playful fight. Alice agrees and we face each other. None of us move as we look at each other. I don't make any moves, not wanting her to predict my movements. Alice finally ran towards me and went to kick me, but my instincts kicked in and I defended myself without thinking. I grabbed her leg and twisted it to where she landed on her back. Alice was about to fight back when we heard Edward coming.

I got off Alice and helped her up with a smile. Jasper praised me on my defensive skills and I smiled slightly, not wanting the praise. I help dust Alice off as we hear Edward get closer. I feel Jasper close to me and I turn to see him taking something out of my hair. He looks down at me and smiles.


"It's fine." I say as I look away and walk over to a tree.

I see that one of the tree branches is near the balcony, so I start to climb it, calling Alice and Jasper up. Jasper is more hesitant, but I give a reassuring smile and Alice says it will be fine. Jasper climbs up and is standing on the branch below me. I look down as he smiles up at me. I look away and start walking over to the branch. Alice in front of me and Jasper closely behind me.

"Hi, Bella!" Alice calls as she gracefully jumps off the branch.

I jump off and look back at Jasper and smile. Alice goes over and kisses Bella's cheek.

"I'm Alice. You do smell good." Alice says.

I mentally facepalm myself and Jasper tenses up beside me. Trying to calm him down, I grab his hand to distract him, feeling the sparks when our skin touches. He looks down at me surprised, but I don't look back at him, not wanting to make the situation more awkward.

"Alice." Edward says.

"It's alright, Bella and I are going to be great friends." Alice says with a smile.

"And you're Jasper, right?" Bella says as she holds out her hand.

"Pleasure to meet you." Jasper says, but keeps his hands to himself, yet holding onto mine tighter.

"It's alright..." I whisper to him, trying to calm him.

"That's right. You won't hurt her, Jasper." Alice says, smirking when she sees him holding my hand tightly.

I send a glare toward her before looking at Bella.

"Hi Bella. It's been a while." I say with a smile.

"Wait, you live here too?" Bella asks, shocked.

"Oh, no! No, I just came to visit." I say.

Jasper slightly tugs my hand and I smile at Bella.

"I need to go home now, sorry. Jasper, care to join me until the hill?" I ask, knowing he wanted to leave.

Jasper gives a quick nod and I say goodbye as Jasper practically drags me out of the house. Once we are out of the house I clear my throat and Jasper lets go of my hand.

"Sorry." Jasper whispers.

"It's okay." I say with a small smile. "How are you feeling?"

Jasper looks at me, shocked.

"Wha- What?" he asks.

"How are you feeling...? Should I not have asked?" I asked, scared I might have offended him.

"Um... sorry. No one asks me how I feel since I can feel others' emotions and give them emotions." Jasper says as we walk through the forest.

"Okay, then show me how you feel." I say.


"Show me how you feel, I want to understand you better if I go to your house more." I say with a smile.

Jasper chuckles and looks at me. Suddenly, I feel the emotions of fear, happiness, confusion, regret, and nervousness. I stop and look at him. He stops and looks at me.

"I know what you feel all too well." I say, letting out a slight chuckle.

"I know, you were so afraid and nervous of us. I thought it would take a long time for you to befriend us." Jasper says with a smile.

"Well..." I say with a slight smile, causing Jasper to chuckle.

We start walking again and talk until we reach the hill. We both stop as we say our goodbyes. I leave Jasper at the hill, thinking about everything that has happened today. I groan as I hide my face in my hands. Today was embarrassing.

Rosy Thorns {Jasper x Fem! Vampire reader}[Finished]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon