chapter Tw0

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After he left , I started the room for few minutes there was a small bed close to a small window which wasn't not a window for sure something close to a bathroom window, Room was all clean maybe he just cleaned it for me , that was good for cleanliness freak like me .

Unpacking only dress I need now a tshirt and loose pant I directly went to bathroom it felt so good taking a hot shower after such a long flight I was so busy that I didn't even hear that there was a knock on my door then I heard door opened with a click then he knocked on the bathroom door "hey are you all right , I have been knocking the door for so long you didn't answer so I thought something was wrong so I just wanted to make sure you're safe"."sorry I will be there in few minutes "I which he said "hey take your time ,I will wait".

Then the door closed and hurried got dressed fast and opened the door .he was vibing to the music he surly was a vibe that sometimes I feel I miss .then suddenly he moved to face me , he caught me off guard clearingy the throat I sat to get my stomach full There was cheese bread which I didn't liked I don't know what kind of obsession people have with cheese I never liked cheese and yeah I'm not a pizza lover at all. But that was good for now in this new place I need to adjust.

He was asking me many questions like "Do you have anyone you know here? " to which I said "not really "then he asked what it is like to live in India?". But I was too exhausted to answer/I didn't even like to talk while I eat,so I requested him "can I answer you tomorr....". He cut me "hey I was just making sure you are not getting bored enjoy your meal".

Then we finished eating and I thanked him for such a delicious meal and said goodnight to him since it was already 11pm .As I touched the bed in few minutes my eyes can't think of anything else than sleeping like a puppy drifting in blank space of unknown world.

When I woke up naturally it was already 11 in morning , hell I slept for straight 12 hrs this damn guy didn't even wake me up.
When I knocked his room no one answered so I thought he was in kitchen but no one was there.then I saw note on fridge saying "good morning I thought you need a good sleep so I didn't woke you up so whenever you are up there is food in fridge just heat up and eat , I will be there in the evening sorry I had some work . HAPPY MEAL.

There was another note but reading it was already frustrating with such a bad handwriting as it said "well Only now I realized that we didn't even exchange numbers so this is my no.-+1718882993
Text me If you need anything.
with a smile I left kitchen took a bath , brushed teeth and my hair .agian coming to kitchen I took the food heated it and had my stomach full.

Then I noticed there was balcony I took a chair to accompany me to stare at beautiful and busy scenery outside.
After a while I decided to take a nap to pass time , but I had enough sleep that I couldn't sleep at all again I tried to binge watch some series but then my sim card was Indian so I didn't have access to new card to which I remembered that I haven't even called my home I should ask Arain to help but maybe he's busy , So I'll ask when he comes back .
Since I didn't have anything to do I decided to clean this messy home If I am gonna live here I have to clean up or I'll be sick very soon.

The whole living room was mess with clothes here and there , dust covering the paintings and artwork that definitely looked expensive. After cleaning it I studied them for minutes but I couldn't understand so I gave up , collecting all clothes that need to be washed , then Followed by kitchen balcony had plant that were dying for water and the soil was all cracked after everything was finished I felt good and clean as if I am home.

Then I switched Tv on some show was streaming called friends which I always wanted to watch but never had time I decided to watch it now. But after some time I felt asleep and " the door opened and Arain came in slowely and after watching me for some time came close to me and very close to my face he kissed my forehead"

To which I woke up instantly Realizing it was just a dream but I saw the door opened and Arain was in front of me he came close and close he stared me for few seconds and held my jaw It felt like my dream was becoming my reality ,then he ..............

Hello my readers I hope everyone who's been reading this story is loving it .
Stay happy and safe.
See you in next chapter.

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