chapter five

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I was in dellima , what happened in few minutes that , he looked so angry or maybe frustrated.
It's not like I did something wrong , should I ask him ,
Or should I just ignore the way I always do ,
No I can't ignore the person, who's so good to me.

What happened Arain ?
He stayed silent .
Again,  I asked , with more frustration in my voice.
"Arain, will you atleast tell me, what happened ?"

"Get in the car, Mirani."
"If you're not telling me , I won't get in." I said without even  thinking ,  did I go too far , because I had no right over him,to ask him about anything.

My doubt was cleared in few seconds when he said
"It's none of your business . Mirani, so don't interfere."

I just got in without any protest , I knew it , I was no more than a stranger in his life , even if he made me feel like home , he never meant it.
I revised , what I said in these few seconds, why would I want him to be my home . No it's just out of  blue  and the situation.
The car was already on the main Street, This time Arain didn't sat with me in back , instead he was in front seat with the driver.

We didn't converse on the whole Ride , it felt like a small bonding we were developing  was crumbled in seconds. what's there to feel bad about it was  bonding's are formed to break.

When we were in the lift,  there was also silence .
Neither did he uttered a word,  nor  did I tried to .
I won't force someone to talk to me , silence was something I mostly preferred.

When we arrived home, Sorry , his home ,I just directly went to my room.
I got changed in my comfort clothes , took out some books ,that I carried to read .
P.S , I love to read books .

I was immersed in my books, when I heard knock on the door .
I just got up from bed and  opened the door .

"I made dinner , let's eat." he said as  he looked drunked.
"No I'm not hungry , you eat ." I replied but my stomach didn't obey to my mouth.
He said "let's eat, you are hungry."
I just impolitely tried to close the door, but he was strong enough to stop it before closing and got in.

"Look Mirani, I know I was wrong,  I should have talked politely to you . I know you were worried. that's why I'm sorry  , if you don't agree to eat, I will
Just pick you up in Cinderella style and will fed you."
He said, coming close to me , I said "yes, let's eat I'm hungry."

He took my hand in his , which I always hated  , or maybe I was not used to it .
Leading me to dinning table , with food in two plates full of pasta . And a wine bottle.
Which looked from a good brand, I have heard of .

" Let's have fun tonight , Let's forget what happened at the party" he said .
"I don't even know what happened."I said in a low voice.
"Let's drink " he said while pouring the wine in glasses  .
This time I didn't protest , I just took the glass and drank it like it was water.

"Hey, you didn't even Cheers with me." He drank his ,
And poured one more glass, while informing me.

We drank one more glass  and one more and many more,
had pasta made by him. And went to sofa supporting each other from falling.

We both were drunk , but he was more .
On sofa he came close to me , my heart was beating like hell , then he said "you wanted to know why I was angry right."
"I wanted to but it's none of my business, right."
"I said sorry for that." he said with a cute face
He meled me.

He sat straight , folding his hands, "today I'll tell you why I was angry, upset and frustrated."

My drunk state responded quickly saying "What's it?" That's why I hate getting drunk it makes !e do things that I would never do If I'm in right state of mind.

"You know what it like to fight for dreams ," he said  to which I nodded. I told him that I do that's why I am here, that's why I was IITian, that's why I was co-founder of solid . That's why I gave everything I had to achieve them . that's why I don't waste my single minute on unnecessary.
"I have a dream to become the best photographer." He said .

"I know you are, you have so many beautiful photographs hanging in the whole house . They are so beautiful, I love them." I said
"Then I am relieved." He said

Then what ?I asked
"So the thing is today my girl was there at party , I left you guys to meet her."
"Oh! So the girl, who said, is she the one, is your girlfriend"  I questioned

"Yes, she is my girl, she doesn't support my Dream, along with my parent's" he answered.
Continuing with seriousness that I never seen him with.
"Today at party, she was there to convince me, that I shouldn't  drop out from my Master's  and I shouldn't dream to become a photographer."

"So you dropped out of Master's to persue your Passion." I asked .
"Yes ." He said and continued.
"According to my parents photography isn't a noble profession, they want their only child to follow their foot steps and wants me to be a professor like my dad  be capable enough to take his position as Director in his school or be a researcher like my mom."

I stayed silent .
He continued " even my girl, lia says that she can't be with me if I want to become a photographer.
It's what she said, if I don't continue with my Master's this year, she'll breakup with me .

"Isn't her name ,Alivia." I interrupted.
"She is Alivia for the whole world, but she's my lia ."
He said with pain in his voice, it was hurting me, It shouldn't hurt me but it was. My drunk state was messing with me right now.

The guy who always smiled , was  in pain , he had to choose between his dream and his love .

He said  "I don't know what to do,Mirani, only you can tell me now ."
  I was always honest so I said what I felt .

"I think If she loves you, she will support your dreams."
"She loves me ." He said
"That you decide." I told him.

"As it's concern of your parents, I can understand them , they are new in this field , with so much uncertainty, that it's not easy for them to adapt this environment , instead of fighting with them, you should talk and respect them and ask for some time to prove yourself . And if you can't achieve you should just listen to them ."

"Why are you so mature? at this age .I never thought about it ,this way . "He said

"I just hope it will work ."
"It will because, it's you who suggested." He said. Continuing "I had a problem , you gave me a solution.I can breath now."  then we smiled together.

He moved closer to me , Moving the strand of hair back of my ear. My breath geared up , touching my nose to lips then he stopped and cressed my lips with his  index finger , making me feel hot , he knew what he was doing and  I didn't know what should I do.   neither did my mind was listening to me nor did the hormones ignored male touch.

He came more and more closer to me , leaning close he met my lips I couldn't resist him this time ,like I did at the party , his lips when met mine it felt like , rain drops touching hot soil , I was like soil who can't get enough of rain .   For him I was like the Aroma of soil that can't be resisted. He was eating my lips , I wanted it . I wanted him . I just wrapped my hands behind his back getting more closer , his lips biting mine , he was demanding for more . I wanted more so I opened for him ,lying on the sofa he was on top of me .

Exploring every part of my mouth , he took off his
t-shirt , I went on to explore his back and chest , heat was radiating from both of us . Now he left my lips, to suck earlobe , I wanted more even when my mind wanted to stop , from earlobe to neck , his moist lips were  making me feel things I  have never felt before .

I shouldn't continue "Arain let's stop, we can't continue." I said breathing hard .
He stopped immediately.  Getting up,Sitting straight.

Everything went awkward  , we weren't sure what happened , so I just got up and said goodnight to him.and went to my room.
This was the first time my mind lost control .
I was cursing myself for not controlling myself.

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