Chapter 4: Trauma and Loneliness

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3rd Person POV
2 weeks have passed since the meeting of the four heroes that have arrested and taken Issei Hyoudou away. There has been many changes that have happened since that event.

For the girls, they made full recoveries from their bruises, but they beatings they received traumatized them, some were worse than others.

Sirzechs informed the rest of the 3 Factions about the abuse that Issei committed, and they were infuriated with what they heard. He temporarily removed the Stray Devil status off Kuroka to allow her to move in with her sister and help her cope.

Azazel was embarrassed and disappointed with himself for allowing Issei to let the girls move in with him in the first place. He drank more than he did sometimes and ordered Kiba and Gasper to move in with the girls for extra protection for them, and to avoid any attempted suicides. Shemhazai, the current Vice Governor, helped Azazel by taking over more of his jobs.

Michael was very upset for giving Ascalon to Issei. But he became very worried when he started to not get Irina's prayers.

As for the girls:

Rossweisse was able to recover well and maintain her posture after her abuse from Issei. But she has nightmares from the worst of her beatings from him. She drinks to try and ignore it.

Rias also keeps her posture from time to time. But she has severe nightmares from every time Issei beat her or tried to rape her. She no longer goes shopping when she is in a depressed mood. There have been times Akeno has stopped her from cutting herself.

Akeno's busted lip has made a full recovery, but her mental stability has her at a heartbroken and lonely status. While she has flashbacks and nightmares from nearly being raped, she also deeply regrets not thanking Jeison properly for saving not just the Church Trio, but also the others. Baraqiel came in to try and comfort her, which slightly worked, but not as much as it expected. Their relationship got better though.

Asia has severe nightmares that end up causing her to cry herself to sleep. There have been times where Asia skipped school for not getting enough sleep. She has also developed a fear of men, there are only a few men she has shown to be comfortable around at a mild rate. Those being Kiba, Gasper, Azazel, Michael, Millicas, Sirzechs and Jeison for whenever he returns for her to thank him for saving her.

Koneko has been severely traumatized by the abuse. She developed a fear of silverware or plates falling on the ground, as she puts her arms ups to protect her from being beaten. Kuroka has moved in with her to help cope with her trauma.

Xenovia has been bottling up her emotions sense Issei was arrested by the Hero Clan. However, she has bad nightmares for the times she had a bone broken, or for when she was molested or nearly raped. Though she doesn't admit what she wants, she does wish to see Jeison again, so that she could thank him for saving her life.

And last but not least.....

Irina was able to recover from all her bruises, but she suffers nightmares almost constantly. But when she isn't having nightmares, she is locked inside her own room, thinking about her childhood with Jeison, and wishing for him to come back. There have been times she contemplated cutting herself. But there were times where she dreamed of Jeison coming back however, she wakes up only to the feeling of loneliness.

But for everyone, it was a Sunday at noon, with partially white fluffy clouds in the blue sky. The mansion was dark but the sun gave it most of the light.

Rias was reading a book to kill her time and boredom while Akeno was working on papers with Rossweisse. Asia was sulking on a couch while Xenovia was trying to study. Koneko was eating snacks next to Asia.

HighSchool DxD: Comfort From The True Hero (TO BE REWRITTEN)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ