Chapter 11: My Sword and Her

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3rd Person POV
Today was a regular workout day for the heroes that arrived in just about a day ago. Currently, Rina and Kinuko were dueling each other with kendo swords while Hisato was lifting boulders from ropes with Atsushi watching him.

However, Jeison was currently doing push-ups away from the group themselves with Yuka supervising him. He was also misty by force and the fact that he is used to is, shirtless.

The girls of the group, including Kiba and Gasper were doing some personal training to improve their stamina.

Yuka looked at Jeison as if she was somewhat bored.

Yuka: This is too easy for you. Isn't it?

Jeison: Yes, I find it easy for me.

Yuka: Acknowledged. Irina!

Yuka turned to Irina and called her name again. Irina peeked her head up and ran to Yuka.

Irina: Yes? What is it Miss Yuka?

Yuka: Oh you don't need to call me Miss. Just call me Yuka.

Irina: Alright then. What is it you need?

Yuka: Would you mind sitting on Jeison?

Irina: Huh?! What?!

Yuka: You heard what I said. Would you mind sitting on his back? I'm trying to give Jeison more of a tougher time in his training.

Irina: I hope you're not referring to something.

Yuka: Referring to what?

Irina and Yuka remained silent for a moment before the light brown haired angel agreed to a mother's request. She sat on Jeison's back and crossed her legs. Jeison stopped to let Irina get into a comfortable position before continuing again. As he continued his push-ups, Irina sat and stared at Jeison's back.

Irina's Mind: (I never thought my day would including getting a more defined look of Jeison's back. It's so toned. I kinda feel like running my finger down his spine, or just lightly poke it and see what happens.)

Irina payed no attention to her face, which was beginning to glow up a light pink shade. She found herself lost into staring at Jeison's back, she ended up finding herself a little surprised when she noticed his hand went behind him. Which confirmed to her that he's now trying push-ups with one hand.

Irina quickly calmed down and then stared at his hand. She took notice how it was in a fist. However, Irina then noticed that Jeison had stopped and was now looking at her.

Irina: What's wrong?

Jeison: It's nothing....Just wanted to check up on you, that's all. Sorry for having you do this.

Irina: Huh? No it's alright. I'm finding this to be sorta relaxing to me.

Jeison: If you say so, Irina.

Jeison continued his push-ups while Irina went back to watching his back and hand.

Irina's Mind: (Jeison really has a strong core. I don't think his hips made any sort of weird movements yet. What kind of training did his mom put him through?)

Irina noticed that Jeison moved his fist to an open palm in front of her. She felt the urge to touch it. However, instead of a finger, she used her entire hand, as if she wanted to hold it.

Irina slowly began to curl her fingers to lock them with Jeison's palm. However, she was slightly alarmed when Jeison, began to lock his fingers with her hand as well. It was gentle enough for him not to crush her hand. Irina's cheeks turned from a light pink shade, to a light color of red. She made a gulp quiet enough for no one else but herself to hear.

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