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First Person P.O.V - (Y/N)

-I woke up in the middle of the night, daylight just barely seeping through the windows to Brahms trying to wake me up a little to aggressively. I look up at him, at first bewildered and then afraid, and I just about screamed until he stopped.
-"(Y/N)." He whispers, and I blink a couple times.
-"I had a nightmare." ...Are you serious? "Can.. I don't wanna be alone."
-He sniffled behind his mask, and I cleared my parched throat, sitting up and rubbing my eyes in the process of doing so. I looked back up to him and I stare for a few seconds, gaining my composure.
-"Come to the other side of the bed." I tell him, and he does exactly that, walking around and then laying in it. His head goes into my lap, and wraps his arms around my waist. "What happened?"
-"You left me." Brahms mutters. "Forever, and you hurt me while you left, like Greta did."
-"..I would never hurt you, alright?" I pet his head of hair, my eyes basically closing from the tiredness being brought upon my body. "You don't have to worry about me doing anything that Greta did to you.. I'll protect you like you protect me."
-He hugs me tighter, his face burying into my lap, even as I lay back down, propping the pillow up so that I didn't crush his arms. Then he moved up, halfway on my body, he puts his head on my chest and my hands lazily lay on his shoulders. I listen to his breathing slow, clearly becoming comfortable by the way he rests his weight on top of me, his head tucking under my chin as one of his hands grab at my shirt tightly. It takes me a minute but I fall back to sleep.

-I wake up nearly not remembering what happened last night. A light snore was what brought me further into conciousness, as well as the weight sitting on the entirety of half of my body. I look down at Brahms, dressed in the cozy sweater that he will probably wear for the next few weeks if I don't push him into another bath any time soon. I couldn't help but consider him.. Adorable. My fingers ran through his hair and all he does is twitch, and then lean into me tighter.
-My hand goes from his hair to his shoulder, and I almost start shaking him, until I realize that I don't want to get up yet. Why would I want to? I'd just have to get up and make breakfast. Plus, I can't help but admit that I enjoy watching him sleep, which is creepy to say but to be fair the man was watching me through the walls for two weeks so maybe it's just destiny we met one another.. Yet still, the look of comfort, serenity. It was wonderful to see on him, especially since he's not the type to relax.
-I stared at him, taking in the way his body rose and fell in unison to his breathing. The way his fingers would occasionally twitch, grabbing my shirt tight in his palm. He was calm, and I much preferred this from him rather than the tantrum he threw two days ago.
-When he woke up, he woke up on his own. He slowly lifted his head, looking around, before looking up to see me. He seemed to hum, and it sounded delighted, his hand unclamping down on my shirt and instead going to the side of my neck.
-"Good morning Brahms." I say, and he hums back. "Did you sleep well?" I feel him nod against me, and then relax once more.
-He seems to be on the verge of falling right back to sleep, but he doesn't, rather sitting up and hovering above me. He looks down at my face before turning to look at the clock sitting on the table, before looking at me once again. It's at this point that I actually notice the details of his eyes, the bottom halves were blue and the tops were a hazel color, tje unique shades becoming mesmerizing. (Forgive me, but minecraft ender pearl lookin' ass--) Yet, in his right eye, a shot of blood red reaches for his retina, matching his skin that I can see through the socket on the right side as well.
-"What's up?" I ask, putting my hands on both of his shoulders, and he blinks at me.
-"Kiss?" He asks, and I huff with a smile, before leaning forward and pressing it against his cheek.
-Then I move out from under him, getting up slowly and stretching. he lays down next to me, his head laying by my knees and looking up at me. I look down at him, and I smile, reaching over and running my fingers through his hair, and he closes his eyes.
-"See, I knew taking a bath would make you feel better." In more ways than just emotionally. Why does that sound wrong? "You should take more baths more often."
-"Well we gotta have breakfast first, don't we? You're gonna help me make it again too. C'mon." I stand up, and he's quick to get to his feet, standing up with me and rushing to catch up.
-He grabs my hand, holding it tightly as we walk down the hallway. I am beginning to get used to this place, slowly understanding the ins and outs. I admit that I have found holes and learned some of the mirrors were two-way see through, but I haven't mentioned my knowings to Brahms. I still am curious about what it's like inside the walls themselves.
-We made breakfast together, and when we finished up doing so he grabbed a thick jacket and snow clothes. I look at him curiously, and I finally notice that he's eager to go back outside, having enjoyed the playful antics of last time. I can't help but smile at him as he approached me with a full body suit, his mask half submerged in a scarf.
-"I figured that you didn't like going outside that much." I put my hands on my hips, and he just looks down at me. "Alright, give me a second to go get some winter clothes."
-I was quick to get dressed, Brahms' urgent glare having persuaded me to pick up pace before he was going to lose his mind trying to be patient. I adjusted my gloves on the way out the door, and I stopped st the stairs. Instead of dealing with the damn stairs I hop over the railing, dodging the dead bush and I look up to see Brahms staring down at me in bewilderment. He's much slower than I am, stepping over the railing and getting his footing, before crouching down and stepping on the dirt. Of course my running skills come from being chased by a bunch of murderers with guns, that comes right along with hopping hurdles and such.
-"Alright, I got a game for us." I say, and he looks at me, tilting his head the same way he always does. "Who can make their snowman that fastest; and this snowman has to be your size. You got it?" He nods frantically, stepping out of of the bush and into the snow pile. "Alright we start in 3, 2, 1--"
-He bolts like a damn dog, snow skidding past his legs as he throws himself into the first snow pile, his body pushing all the snow he collides with into one pile. I burst out laughing, falling to my kees and I attempt to start with my bottom, yet the air in my lungs is begging to feel with freeze with each inhale I take. I had never expected to see Brahms run away from my direction that fast; with that much energy.
-I spend my sweet time with the body, occasionally laughing as I glance at Brahms who is trying so hard to be quick about it, but it all keeps falling apart since he can't keep his composure. He's nearly throwing a tantrum until he looks at me and realizes how calm I am, and he matches my vibe rather quickly.
-The final ball of snow matches the size of my head, and I set it down, the snowman even being an inch taller than me. Now all I need to find is limbs, and with that I wander away towards the next tree. Surfing around through the snow, I find nothing but twigs, causing me to frown. I want this to be an actually good snow man, and I don't know why, but the excitement of even finishing the thing drives through my bones. This excitement brings me adrenaline, and the adrenaline is exactly why my digging got so sporadic, and without that sporadic attitude; I wouldn't have randomly hit the bag buried in the snow.
-I fished it out and my eyes stared deep at the sight of it, the leather texture looked familiar, and the longer I stare I realize.. "Candy?" I open it up and find nothing but a wad of cash all in twenties, a phone, a few bent and broken cigarettes and a pill bottle full of nothing but crystal meth to the brim.
-I grimace, and then pull the phone out, looking it over. It was clean, not even cracked slightly, and I press the on button. Scoring a good 84% at the corner, it was a picture of herself and Sarah for a background. The sight almost made me choke, and I turn it back off.
-"(Y/N)?!" I jump, shoving the phone deep into my pocket under my jacket as I stand up and I turn around to see Brahms rushing over to me. He looked me up and down, then spotted the purse. "What is it?"
-"Candy's purse." I say, stepping towards him, and his stature seems to go rigid. "I think she dropped it when she left. It doesn't have anything but money and drugs in it--"
-"Incinerator." He snatches it from my hands. "Drugs are bad."
-I laugh a little as he looked in and pulled the money out first before he closed the bag, and turned away from me to walk towards the back of the building. With that I noticed he had finished up on his snowman, it's arms were thick branches and eyes were made up of giant stone rocks. I smile a little, but then it falters, my hand feeling the outline of the phone in my pocket.

I'll Be Good, I Will (Brahms Heelshire × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now