Arguments with Brahms

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•We done already knew this bRat man can't keep his composure
•He gets better with time, but his saltiness is just absolutely dehydrating
•He doesn't like it when his food is too spicy, or too flavorless, picky ass--
•Gets angy when his schedule is disrupted, or his rules aren't followed
•Gets especially angry when you try to leave him for any reason.
•Of course, as angry as he is, Brahms is also surprisingly forgiving and will let things go pretty easy
•Like in the movie, Greta started off pissing him off and disrupting the rules and schedule, and he didn't do much then.
•He is pretty understanding
•But eventually, there's a limit
•When he throws tantrums, sometimes they're just thrown to make life more interesting. There's no real intent behind some of them, and if they are made out of small irritations, then he's pretty tame about breaking things.
•With how comfortably organized his living space is? I can't imagine him destroying his taxidermied animals and not realizing the consequences of throwing big tantrums for no reason
•After being pampered, and then being completely disregarded; 0 - 100, in replacement for a much prettier doll, he is a bit less snobbish than you might think
•He understands there are consequences to your actions, he figured that out after he killed Emily and burnt off half of his face
•So, what really pisses Brahms off? There's a surprisingly simple list
•What would be the most dangerous is hurting him, like giving him a smack across the face out of anger
•Like in those dramatic romance shows where the woman gets to physically abuse her man when she's angry
•lmao gross
•If you were to do that, you bet your ass he'll be hitting back harder
•If it's not an attempt to kill him, he won't kill you neither, but you gotta know that hitting him isn't something you're gonna get away with
•He takes that attack as an insult to everything, not just a heat of the moment type of deal
If it's an accident however and you apologize profusely, he will forgive you enough to not attack back but he will certainly run away
•Attempting to murder him however gets you killed no doubt
•You gotta be as lucky as Greta to get out of that
•Another way to severely piss him off is to ignore him and disregard every rule completely
•He can handle this when it's just him as a doll, for a period of time, but in person? He can't handle that well
•It's almost cute at first, but it quickly turns sour when he quits begging and tempting you with his good boy attitude and starts demanding
•He might get a little aggressive but he won't hurt you
•If you somehow still manage to carry out your ignoring, he will throw one hell of a tantrum and eventually you'll have to give in
Ignoring someone you love as a punishment, to exert power over them or control them is considered is emotional abuse so don't be doing any of that
Brahms prefers love
•He also gets pretty gosh darn mad when you talk smack about his hard work or about the music he likes
•He puts his heart into those things! He puts plenty of heart into you as well, and he hates it when you say bad things about the things he loves
•Those are some things you should probably keep to yourself
•In the middle of an argument or a small feud, you certainly shouldn't yell back or throw things yourself
•It will rile him up more, cause him to mimic your actions and in the end the entire house is probably a mess
•Remain calm and try soften him up with care and concern
•He isn't an actual child who won't calm down under any circumstances, he can be soothed and talked down
•Most Importantly however, don't ever threaten leaving him
•You think him fighting you back is bad? Boy oh howdy imagine being trapped in a room or tied to a bed for way too long
•He isn't a safe person to be around, certainly not mentally healthy.
•He is dangerous
•Something most of us probably forget sometimes
•I certainly forget every time I read a mommy kink fanfic--
•Lord don't forgive me I'm having fun
•Except to get uncomfortable pretty quick being in the same place for such a long time
-You've gotta reassure him a lot before he can even consider letting you go
•Give him hugs if you're capable
•Every argument ends in apologies, which some are harder to take back than others given Brahms has difficulties apologizing, unless it's a life or death scenario
Life or death meaning you are about to leave and he can't stop you in time so he's an absolute mess
•In the end, he's on his best behavior
•Unless the argument is genuinely your fault, then he's just fine as long as you prove you're chill again
•He will love you no matter what, though. He'll always come back to you, even if you can't apologize yourself

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