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First Person P.O.V - (Y/N)

-Yesterday, we got very lucky. If Winona hadn't have been a messenger for the drug selling industry, or if Loki hadn't saved me, we wouldn't be here. Brahms and I laid in bed, his mask sitting on the nightstand(it fell off of Allen as Loki tackled him), covered in blood. Brahms and I held each other tight, and it was well past time to get up, but Brahms didn't want to rise. He wanted to hold me as much as I wanted to hold him.
-"...I thought you were dead." He finally spoke to me, and I felt my heart twinge. "He shot the ceiling and I thought you were dead."
-"I know Brahms.. I thought you were going to die." His lips meet the top of my head, and abruptly I hug him tighter. "I-I'm sorry you had to go through that."
-"Please don't cry again. It scares me."
-"I'll try not to, I will." I take a deep breath, and his hand drags across my back in a comforting way. I can't help but smile. "I'm so glad that we're okay Brahms, I am."
-"So am I." ... "Allen said a lot of things to me. Said you did things with him, told him you wanted to leave. I didn't believe him.. Did he force you to do things?"
-I pause for a moment, thinking through the night before. I was drugged, and only the Lord knows what he did to me then. I frown at the thought, just hugging him tighter. "Anything I did for him was forced.. He made me do all the things we did. I cooked for him, he made me teach him music."
-"You didn't.. Do anything else?"
-"No, no.. I'm fine. He didn't do anything.. I don't know though, he knocked me out at one point. I might have something bad.. I might need to go to a doctor to get it checked out."
-"Okay. We can get all the medicine in the world if we need it."
-"Thank you."
-"...I love you."
-I grit my teeth, and I reach my head up to nuzzle it up into his neck. "I love you too Brahms. I love you very much."
-He hums, and he leans down, pressing a kiss to my forehead, then my cheek and nose, then my lips. When kiss breaks, he holds me in that place, and we lay there in comfort.
-Breakfast is basically lunch, and Brahms is more than comfortable with the snails pace. He put the work into cleaning my blood off the kitchen floor, a bit aggressively that is, and when it came to studies, all we did was music appreciation. The vinyl played as we laid against each other on the couch.
-"Winona and Loki saw my face." He mentioned suddenly. "They didn't say anything. Do you think they think I'm ugly?"
-"I don't think Loki cares what you look like and Winona's old. She's seen plenty of things."
-"..Allen thought I was ugly."
-"I don't care, because he was ugly too. Probably just sad."
-"He was. Allen seemed very sad.. Doesn't mean he gets to live after what he did."
-"Are you happy that I killed him?"
-"..Not entirely, but yes. He can't hurt us now.. Just try not to kill anyone else, alright? Or at least keep it on our property so we can burn the bodies like we do."
-"Okay.. Are you still not afraid of me?"
-"Brahms, why would I be?"
-"I killed someone again. You were pretty scared of me when I did it the first time."
-"... I'm not scared of you." I lean back enough to look up at him, and he blinks at me. "I'm not, really! I couldn't ever be scared of you again. Not unless you broke your promises, and I already know you won't ever break your promises."
-"Never. I don't want to."
-I smile as he leaned down and pressed a bunch of kisses to the side of my face, making me laugh sweetly. His hands rest on either side of my neck and I press my lips against his when he goes for the kiss. Then he hands go down to my hips, and he's undoing my pants.

-"I miss the snow." Brahms complains, and I look at him with a you're bullshitting look with a newly bought pot of flowers. "But they're pretty anyways."
-"Well it was your idea silly." I look at the row of randomly chosen flowers that line against the wall of the house.
-They were so unorganized and out of place that they would look horrid as they grew bigger. But, it was going to be the house's charm, other than there being a living space in the walls and a history of deaths that no one knows about.
-"You said I was good with plants so I'm doing it because I want you to be happy with me!"
-"Brahms, I'm always happy with you. You don't need to garden to do that.. It does look nice though, and the smell is going to be nuts.. Maybe you can put your taxidermy sculptures around the house? Make it have some spice."
-"I don't know, you've broken like a quarter of the decorations in the house and it'd be nice to put some things down that I know you won't break in a tantrum."
-"Alright, fine.. The owl is staying in my room though."
-"That's fine by me." I pat Brahms' shoulder, and I look over my own to spot Loki carrying a big tray of the rest of the flowers.
-"I hope to fuck you know that I'm not planting any flowers." Loki says to me as they set the bunch on the ground by my feet, and then stands up to look down at my being. "My time hanging out with dirt is done and you know why."
-"I'm sorry Loki." I can't help but laugh. "You don't have to plant anything. Thank you for carrying the flowers."
-"Yeah yeah.. Brahms, rat man, doll, boy."
-"Just say Brahms, Loki."
-"Whatever." Loki bats his hand at Brahms who turned around to look at them. "I've never gotten your number, you've never gotten mine.. Here." Brahms is handed a piece of paper containing all of Loki's numberinos. "Figure if anything else bad happens, (Y/N) might not be able to contact me this time around.. Plus, I wanna be your friend. Like really your friend. There's no hard feelings for killing my brother, he tried to kill me first; been trying. I'm just a little disappointed you got more hits than me."
-Brahms huffs, and then takes his phone out of his back pocket. Slowly, he opens it, and slowly he remembers how the texting app works all over again, then the contacts. Loki looks at me with a small smile and watches Brahms put Loki's name in his contacts.
-"I've got it." Brahms tells them, and Loki nods.
-"Cool.. I'm gonna go sell drugs now."
-I snort(heh) as I watch Loki walk away, and I look up at Brahms. "Looks like you got another friend. Then you won't need me anymore, would you?"
-"What?? Of course I'll need you." Brahms looks back down at me, shocked that I'd even think that. "You've gotta protect me, remember? Then I protect you. That's how it works."
-"Of course, of course."
-"I haven't protected you enough."
-"I'd prefer that you didn't have to."
-"No, I haven't. Every time something bad happens, it's you protecting me. I'm supposed to protect you too. That's not how it works.. I'm gonna protect you forever."
-"Brahms, don't worry about it." I snicker, reaching up and patting his shoulder. "I trust you, and I know that you'll protect me. Alright? Now first you gotta protect me from ugly house."
-"Protect you from ugly house? I can do that." He puts the flowers into the dirt.

-"Brahms it's bed time." I pat the bed, watching him rummage about underneath of it. "Get back up here. What are you doing?"
-"Hold on!" Brahms demands, and I roll my eyes and plop down onto the bed. "Don't fall asleep yet!" I fake snore really loud. "Not funny."
-I can't help the laugh that arises from me, and I sit back up as Brahms comes out from under the bed. Then he gets above me, and then grabs my left hand.
-"What are you doing Brahms?"
-"I found this in the sink a long time ago, and I kept it. I hid it with doll Brahms. I thought it was pretty. I washed it."
-He slips it onto my ring finger, and I look down. It's shiny, and definitely valuable, colored in my favorite color and shaped perfectly for my finger. I can't help but smile, before I look up at him.
-"Thank you Brahms. I love it." I reach up and cup his unmasked face, watching his smile grow big as my thumbs stroke his cheeks. "I also love you."
-"I love you too (Y/N)."
-"Now come on. It's time to go to bed."
-He groans, dropping his whole body weight onto my being, and I collapse to the mattress with a laugh. Soon enough we are hugging each other, his face buried into my neck.. There is absolutely no where else I'd rather be, and that sure as shit doesn't include what used to be my home. No, I'm home now.
-The only person who's ever loved me is right here in my arms, and there is no one else that could fit the position. No one ever.

I'll Be Good, I Will (Brahms Heelshire × Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora