Brahms and Scary Movies

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•Brahms certainly isn't someone that you can scare
•He's tough, used to seeing things at the corners of his eyes.
•Like rats, spooky shadows. The only time he'll ever be scared of the dark is usually him pretending to be afraid so he can get your attention.
•Attempting to jump out of the darkness at him with earn you a confused look and some awkward silence.
•Telling him scary stories would simply interest him in the backstory, the people in this story.
•There is a list of emotions that are very watered down for him, and he'd almost be mistaken for a psychopath if he wasn't so attached to you, and he was still capable of bonding
•The only thing that you knew off that actually scared him, was leaving him.
•He was afraid of being alone, knowing that once someone leaves, they never come back.
•Abandonment issues? Yes queen 💅
•He loses his mind if he can't find you, or if you're away from him for more than an hour. More than five minutes is pushing it, unless he is sleeping
•So scary movies don't have much effect on him.
•If they're boring without any story behind it, he will talk over them until you have to send him out of the room or shut him up.
•Sending him out should be your last resort however, he feels really rejected if you do that and he'll be so loud throwing a fit over it that you wouldn't be able to hear your movie anyways
•If he likes the movie then he'll watch it throughout, not at all jumping even slightly at the jumpscares
•If you jump however, he'll either laugh at you or get concerned depending on the scare. If it's just a small jump and a flinch he'll chuckle
•If you scream he'll look at you like you just got stabbed and then get worried; scared in a bad way
•He doesn't want to watch the movie after you scream
•He will watch if you insist however, but he certainly wouldn't enjoy the movie, knowing it can scare you that much
•If you're scared, then he has every reason to be scared as well, right?
•That is the mentality of a five year old but Brahms is still that age in his head so it only makes sense
•However, if he's feeling like the bigger person, he'll be strong. Hugging you to his side and giving you a source of comfort
•The only scary movies that he would really be scared of are ones where there are doppelgangers, or shape shifting kind of creatures
•He can imagine you calling for him, and he gets all sorts of excited, and then you end up being something you're not? Truly terrifying
•Ever seen the two sentence horror story animated "Sarah"? Man that's his worst nightmare, other than abandonment
•He has put so much faith into you, trusting that you are who you are and that you wouldn't leave him, he'd walk right towards you if you called for him, nonethewiser
•He fears betrayal, abandonment.
•A movie that has a monster or person that mimics your loved ones is probably the only kind of movie that could give him nightmares
•I am so sorry for you if you come across one of those movies, because he would never let you out of his sight afterwards
He's scared something will get you
•He is also scared something will get him and trick you too
•It will take forever trying to calm him down
•He won't trust you if you're insistent about him calming down, especially if you've been out of sight
•Deadass whispers code words after that in hopes that the shapeshifters don't eat your memories
•Smh this bitch is so scared of mimic demons bro
•You are careful about what kinds of movies you watch with him now
"Brahms you wanna watch the movie 'The Boy'?"
"That sounds stupid"
"Yeah you're right let's pick something different."
•He loves stalker movies though
•I sure do wonder why
•They make him mad sometimes though
•He isn't too big a fan of scary movies though. Romance and Kids movies are still his style.
•Give him his Disney movies 😤 Rapunzel is the best princess

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