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First Person P.O.V - (Y/N)
Warning: Aftermath of being drugged(I have never been drugged so it could be inaccurate, and I'm too lazy to search it up), panic attack is mentioned, sadism(and not the good kind), violence

-I woke up with my chin on my chest and my neck aching so painfully that I could barely lift it up. I was in the kitchen dining room, and it was an hour before seven I imagined. My vision was blurry and I felt nauseous, but I hadn't left the kitchen. When I lifted my head, it took me a moment to realize just how terrifying the sight before me was.
-Allen was wearing Brahms' mask, arms crossed on top of the table. I can tell the sick bastard was smiling under it as he laughed at my reaction. "Man! You are fun to freak out.. It's so hard getting a reaction out of you but I have to be honest, it's so fun when you get one.. I knew I liked you."
-"Wh-What the fuck did you do to me?" My voice was groggy as I got it out of my throat.
-"Nothing, I just left you there. You passed out good too. Nine hours! You must've been stressed."
-"What are you doing with Brahms' mask?"
-"Oh, the bitch put up one hell of a fight to keep it on. He's an ugly sonofabitch too, understand why he keeps it on. Got real mad when I called him ugly too, claiming that you don't think he's ugly and that's all that matters. I get feeling bad for him but lying is just cruel."
-"B-Brahms isn't ugly.." I foolishly attempt to get out of the chair, but lifting myself even slightly causes my head to swim. "He's not.."
-"Wow, lying to yourself. Even more cruel." Allen rests his chin in his hand, that mask growing creepier and creepier the more that I stare at it on Allen's face, so I look away. "What? Are you scared? You have every right to be.. Get up. It's time for breakfast."
-"I don't think I can." I flinch as I hear the gun cock, and I only need to see it from the corner of my eye to know that I'm in danger. I sigh through my nose, and as I get my hands on the table. "Fuck me."
-I feel my legs buckle under me in an instant as I get up, and I manage to stop myself quick enough to not fall to the ground. I glance at Allen before I look away, forcing all of my strength to go into my legs as I make my way over to the counter. I feel so drained, my entire being was going to collapse at any moment. Either this is a symptom of the drug he put in me, or it had to be laced with something. Either way it was just horrible.
-"You don't have to act strong for me." Allen cooed. "I've seen people after. It's not the first time.. You can fall down and cry if you need to."
-And give you the satisfaction? You can kiss my ass. I ignore him and I pick up the first item for breakfast. It'll be a basic American breakfast today,and I will force myself to stomach it this time around. Just as long as he doesn't touch it.
-"12,500 dollars left to go. I can't tell if you're going to make it or not." Allen mocked me, even as I leaned heavy against the counter and put as much effort as I could into making the meal. "You've definitely got the determination for it though. You must really love your dog. I mean, he is a good boy isn't he? Did you know he mutters that he's a good boy when he's having a panic attack? It's adorable."
-My hands grip the end of the counter. I wanted to turn around and lunge at him, but I knew I was too weak now, and that I should've taken my chances yesterday. Then I heard Allen chuckle, his steel toed boots hitting the table. I turned around as his gun pointed up at the ceiling.
-"You know, I told him that if he heard a gun shot it'd mean that you were dead. I thought it'd be funny, because if I felt like shooting you right now it'd be one hell of a chain event. I want my breakfast though."
-"I-I'm not going to do anything that'll get you to shoot me."
-"Good!.. Make my breakfast."
-I look away from him, and I feel my body tense as I hear his gun click and shift as he moved the barrel. The scent of bacon sizzling against the pan was sickening, the crack of eggs making my stomach rise. I wasn't hungry, far from it--
-I let out a shrill and short squeal as I hear the gun behind me go off, and I tensed. I look behind me, and then up, a bullet hole in the ceiling. Allen then chuckles.
-"Imagine the look of hopelessness." Allen cooed, like it was just the most satisfying idea in the world.
-I hear Brahms scream loud from upstairs, and I give up on holding the counter. I cover my ears instead, not wanting to listen to that agonizing sound. I try yelling back, but my throat feels tight and parched and I am incapable of raising it from an indoor voice. I had no idea how dry my mouth was until my heart was pounding.
-I feel the barrel of his gun come under my chin and his free hand force my own palm away from my ears to force me to listen. I close my eyes tight, holding back everything I can, as I listen.
-The bacon is beginning to hurt my nose.

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