30(The End)

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First Person P.O.V - (Y/N)

Life with Brahms Heelshire has proven itself to be very exciting, and very terrifying, all at once. No matter how frightening this man and his unluckiness may be however, he is a gentleman at heart and he has done ever in his power to prove that to me.
When he isn't a child, he proves himself to be more of a partner rather than someone to be of service to, cleaning around the house and helping with the cooking. He has become very social since I'd met him, taking the courtesy of taking me to dinner dates and disturbing his usual schedule for my comfort and happiness. He wants me to stay, forever.
Since Allen, time seems to move slower, and there seems to be far more peace around the house. A new respect for life has become a thing for the both of us, and we don't take any good moment with a grain of salt. Every dinner date, every walk, every single thing is captured in a photo thanks to Brahms, and he'll do everything in his power to preserve each memory until the end of time itself.
He calls me his fiancee now, apparently the ring hebput on my hand was his way of proposing. Apparently he was just too shy to get on his knees and ask me, and he also didn't care for it. He needed to do it then and now, as soon as possible. The neae death experiences we've had made him do so.

Brahms and Loki slowly but surely became best friends, and as much as Brahms still gets jealous of Loki, he also enjoys their company. Loki teaches Brahms about medicines, and a lot of the time shows Brahms fighting videos on their phone. Brahms is absolutely losing his mind at every single one of them, no matter what. Even if he's seen it before.
Loki is no longer afraid of smiling, and has stopped acting condescending towards the Heelshire, and instead makes sarcastic jokes. They've made a code though, so when Loki snaps their fingers Brahms knows that he's joking. Brahms doesn't do good with jokes.
Loki also makes deliveries now, and that's usually only when Brahms pays for their services. Brahms isn't sddicted to pills, he just catches an illness very easy, and going outside isn't entirely normalized for his immune system yet.

Winona delivers groceries, and now her and Brahms talk about the best ways to kill someone. Sometimes she gets to graphic however, and mixing that with her cheery attitude and never faltering optimism; Brahms is scared of Winona. But he still loves her company when she's not talking about killing her homophobic ex-husband.
Only Winona(and Loki) make deliveries, and Winona has on occasion delivered Brahms a present. When Brahms mentioned he hadn't celebrated Christmas in two years, she brought him plenty of presents to make up for it. Winona is considered family, and Brahms and I are supposed to go to their easter egg hunt party.

As for myself, Loki began to open up more to me as time went on. Loki explained their father, and his unhealthy attitudes towards his son Allen, and his very disgusting attitudes towards Loki when they were Lilly. Loki always hated being favorite, and Loki always wanted to get along with Allen. It's just saddening to Loki that they'll never get the chance to explain it now.
Winona calls me and Brahms her grandbabies, and her wife tells us stories. Brahms is absolutely heads of heels with these stories, and we call her up for bed time sometimes just to listen. I always end up falling asleep first in these occasions.

I attempted to contact my family, and slowly but surely they are opening up to me. I don't ever expect them to love me again, but that's fine by me. I have Brahms, after all. He is all I need.. Now I'm just excited to introduce him to them.

I'll Be Good, I Will (Brahms Heelshire × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now