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Hayoon's POV
It was a busy day at work. Maybe it was because the 17 year old part timer told her friends about this place and the word spread from there, because most of the customers were now teenagers, who came to take aesthetic pictures.

At least, this would take my mind off Jungwon for now. Or so I thought...

Because any time my mind wasn't focused on a task, my mind wandered back to the image of Jungwon's unconscious self lying on the hospital bed, ever so still, eyes closed. Seriously, the brain is stupid. The more you try not to think of something, the more you think of that thing.

During lunch break, I went out to get some kimbap to eat. Then I remembered Jungwon loves kimbap. And he especially loves the kimbap his grandmother makes.

Speaking of his grandmother, I wonder how she is... She was so sweet... Could I possibly find her now? Maybe I should ask Heeseung about this. Does she even know what happened to her grandson? Because the last time Jungwon mentioned his grandmother, he said she left the family years back and never really went back except for her grandchildren.

I sighed as I continued eating my kimbap at a street stall I found. Many students walked past me. Was there a school nearby? Probably. Considering I've been in this neighbourhood for a while, I must be pretty dumb not to realise what facilities were around.

No that is because you were with Jungwon.

The voice in my head rang. Stupid voice. Stupid brain. Why is everything linked to Jungwon?

Because you love him.

Fvck my life. And I just angrily picked up a slice of kimbap and shoved it in my mouth to prevent the tears from spilling.

Fvck you Yang Jungwon. What the fvck was going through your mind when you decided to do this to yourself? Do you really think it made your life easier? Or mine?

Fvck you. If you wanted to die you should have just died. Why are you hanging on to the last thread? Why are you giving me hope that you'd wake up, even when you may never wake up? Fvck you. I hate you. I really hate you.

I closed my eyes and looked down, taking a deep breath to calm myself, before I start crying. Out of anger or sadness, I have no idea. Both, perhaps. Then I finished the rest of my food and quickly walked back to the cafe to drown myself in work, so that I don't have to think of him anymore.


After a long day at work and not so successful attempts at not thinking about Jungwon, I reached my empty home, or that's what I thought, until I heard some rummaging noises in the kitchen when I entered the house. Who....?

I tiptoed to the kitchen and peeked in, hoping that it wasn't a burglar, and still getting ready to run. I sighed in relief, when I realised it was just Heeseung trying to look for food.

"Oh my gosh. You could have at least told me you were going to be here." I sighed in relief and just put my handbag on the chair.

"Oh sorry." His cheeks flushed.

"When did you get here?"

"Not long ago. Maybe 5 minutes before you?"

"Oh okay. What are you looking for?"

"Maybe ramyeon? I dunno, do you have any?"

"Yeah it's here." And I walked over and took out the packet of ramyeon.

"Oh thanks."

"Hold up, why are you stealing my ramyeon?" I narrowed my eyes at him. He chuckled nervously.

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