Chapter Fifty One

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"The Song of Achilles."

Startled, I move the book down and see Daniel sitting in front of me. He has a chair turned around so he's sitting on the same desk as me. His eyes widen a little at my reaction but they soften in the end.

My chest tightens in longing because I haven't looked into his eyes in over a week and now my poor heart is on the verge of collapsing. His legs brush against mine under the desk and shivers run up my spine. It's been so long since we've touched each other.


"What's it about?" He asks as he cuts me off, his eyes moving over the cover of the book I was reading.

I'm dumbfounded.

It's been a week since we kind of broke up and four days since he started calling me and messaging me. I know I'm not being mature when I'm ignoring them all but I have the right to when I was treated so badly by him. He needs to wake up and realize he can't be hurting me every time he feels scared. He needs to apologize.

When he said I'm not worth it, it tore into my heart and laid open my wounds from my dark past. It made everything I went through seem real. That in fact, I am worthless. Who would want a girl like me? In a sick, sadistic sense, I agree with him. I've never felt worthy...only when I was with Daniel, sounds pathetic but it's the truth.

But I guess I was wrong about that, too.

The sad thing is, I want to give him a chance because I know he has good in him.

I'm in love with him. I can't lose him.

Daniel notices the change in my mood and his soft smile drops to a remorseful frown. Those heartwarming chocolate-colored eyes glitter in longing.

"I can't stay away from you any longer." He quietly says and each word tears through my heart, making it bleed with despair.

As sadness and warmth swell my heart, an icy cold fire ignites my anger.

Closing the book, I grab it and go to stand up.

"I'm sorry, am I worthy enough for you now?" I've never been spiteful but he deserves it.

"Rosé—" Daniel looks so defeated as he reaches for my hand.

But I snatch my hand away and leave the classroom.

<3 <3 <3 <3

I'm walking to the art studio carrying my sketchbooks and a coffee for Bia when Daniel blocks my path. Surprised, I gasp and glare up at him when I nearly drop the coffee.

He boyishly smiles at me and I can't help but drool over how good he looks in his hoodie and basketball shorts. His hair is ruffled and his eyes look hazy with sleep.


My tummy flutters with butterflies but I keep my composure.

"What do you want?"

After our classroom interaction two days ago, Daniel has been annoying me with his constant smiles, cups of my favorite coffee that magically appear on my art table, and his lingering touches whenever he walks away. I can't even be mad at him for all that—his smiles are my most favorite thing in the world.

It's like he's trying to dig himself back into my heart when in reality, he never crawled out. He's always been inside my heart. It got captured inside a dark place when he broke it but these small gestures are slowly unlocking my heart like it's being hidden inside Vault 713 at Gringotts.

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