Chapter Thirty Four

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Halloween was a mess.

From forgetting my house keys, being sexually assaulted by Chase, being touched by sinful hands to getting comforted by a friend who is the kindest guy ever.

After the night at Noah's, I slept over at Aaliyah's. We never mentioned the phone call because it. never. happened.

Aaliyah apologized and won me over with food and who can say no to food? I told her about going with Daniel to his apartment—skipping over what we did, obviously—and Bia showing up crying. And I told her about having to stay at Noah's place because somebody was too busy getting the Vitamin D.

Nate went ballistic when he found out I forgot my keys and got even madder when he saw that I was still wearing my Halloween costume. I told him everything—obviously missing out on parts that would have Noah and Daniel buried alive—and he calmed down when I reassured him I was safe and okay.

Daniel texted me multiple times but I ignored them all. I didn't want to think about that night and I definitely didn't want to talk to him. I'm feeling insecure and stupid so I don't need his perfect face to look at me and his wonderful hands to touch me because I will surrender.

I was being naïve when I asked him to kiss me knowing that he has someone he wants to kiss.

Around campus, I've avoided him. And he hates it. He's been trying to get me alone, get my attention, to talk to me but I've walked away every time.

The Astronomy field trip is tomorrow and Aaliyah and I are super excited.

The art studio slides open and when I see Bia, I halt in my steps, the canvases I'm carrying heavy in my arms. Bia warmly smiles and I don't hesitate to return the gesture.

"Hey, Rosé," Bia softly starts, "Can we talk?"

Confused and a little worried, I put down the canvases and go to sit down next to her.

"Is everything okay, Bia?" I ask.

"Yeah," she nods, "But I wanted to talk to you about Daniel."

My heart skips a beat at his name.


Bia tucks a strand of blonde behind her ear and now that I look closer to her, she's looking paler and glum. She has no makeup on her face and her luscious hair is tied back loosely. She looks tired.

"Bia, tell me you're feeling okay, please." I'm worried as hell. What happened to her?

She smiles but it's not her usual Bia-smile.

"I am."

She caresses my hand.

"Rosé," her voice is quiet as she starts to speak, "Daniel and I are nothing but friends. I hope I haven't come across as a bitch when I've talked to him or touched him because I know you two have something going on and I'd hate to ruin that. I don't want to be a reason to tear you guys apart. I hope I'm not stepping over boundaries. He's my friend but you're his—forgive me if I've made you feel uncomfortable or hurt you in any way, Rosé. You're one of my closest friends and I can't lose you."

Bia's blue eyes water with sadness and whatever she's going through has pushed her over the edge. I hate to see her like this.

I don't want her to be hurting and she has nothing to worry about. I'm not mad at her, not one bit. I respect hers and Daniel's friendship and I adore it, I was being stupid when I walked away that night. I'm angry at Daniel, not Bia.

It does put me in a hard place knowing the guy I like and the girl I'm friends with have slept together and are really close but what can I do? I have no right to break their bond and I don't want to. And it puts Bia in a bad place too considering she's friends with a guy who has something going on with her friend.

"Bia," I warmly smile at her, comforting her by rubbing her arm, "You didn't do anything wrong. You were looking for comfort in your best friend and there's nothing with that. I'm not mad, I promise."

Bia sighs in relief, her breath catching and she's crying silently.

"My mom has cystic fibrosis and she's really sick but I can't go visit her because of my studies," she looks down, her silent tears raining down her cheeks, "I miss her and I'm scared for her. I wanted to be with my friend because I was lonely and sad. That's why I came to Daniel that night. I don't want you to get a bad idea of what happened that night."

"No, no, don't," I wipe her tears, my heart breaking for her, "I'm sorry to hear about your mom."

Wasting no time, I hug her, holding her close. She cries quietly and I soothe her back.

<3 <3 <3 <3

After our talk in the art studio, Bia went home. She wasn't feeling well and she had a high temperature when I touched her forehead.

My heart breaks for her.

Aaliyah and I made plans to visit her, to make sure she's feeling better and to cheer her up.


My heart skips at his voice. Closing my locker, I turn around and look at him. Emotions overwhelm me when I see his beautiful eyes.

I'm mad at him for not chasing after me when I left. Sounds pathetic of me considering Bia but this is the first time a boy has made me feel jealous and I hate it.

And I'm mad at him for messing around with me when he likes somebody else.

"Rosé." Daniel grabs my arm but I shake him off before brushing past him and walking away.

I need to be alone to gather my emotions and understand what I want. I hate acting so awkward and stubborn. It's not me. 

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