Chapter Thirty Seven

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"It's too damn early for this," Aaliyah grumbles as she walks—more like fighting hard to stay awake—beside me, "And I'm hungry. Rosie, carry me."

I laugh at her mood.

And honestly, I feel the same.

I couldn't sleep last night because of the constant butterflies. My mind kept replaying our kiss—kisses. Remembering his soft, sinful lips on mine felt like I was in a dream.

Daniel and I kissed.

I had my first kiss under the stars.

A stupid smile paints on my lips and a blush tints my cheeks. Aaliyah peeks at me and snorts. I told her. My best friend means everything to me and I couldn't not share the experience of my first kiss with her. Aaliyah was happy for me.

This morning, when everyone gathered around the fire pit, I couldn't even gather up the courage to look at Daniel because of how shy I was feeling. Aaliyah whispered into my ear that he was staring at me and that made me erupt in elation.

"I'll carry your sweet ass, babe, if you want." Matthew hollers at Aaliyah, sliding up next to her and nudging her playfully.

"Yes, please because I'm gonna be dead before we get to the observatory." Aaliyah climbs onto Matthew's back when he crouches down in front of her.

The track up to the mountain is brutal and add my lack of sleep and energy, it's like a walk of death for me.

Bia and I start talking—about her mom, what she bought recently, and most surpassingly, Kai. On the subject of Kai, Bia looks like she's talking about her favorite book—her eyes light up and the smile never leaves her face.

As we're talking, Kai throws her over his shoulder and begins running up the mountain with Bia screaming colorful cusses at the volleyball player. Laughing, I focus my eyes on Noah and Luna as they walk beside each other than behind me where Daniel is walking—alone.

With a giddy smile, I twirl around and go to him.

"Hi." Beaming up at him, my cheeks blush when his chocolate eyes meet mine.


Daniel doesn't smile.

Worried and confused, my smile drops.

"Are you okay?" I ask.


He doesn't sound okay. What happened?

Shaking off the thought, I smile again and reach for his hand to hold but Daniel moves it away before I can touch him and my heart sinks. Daniel looks away from me, jaw clenched and an angry, annoyed look in his eyes.

"Daniel." I softly say his name but he doesn't even look at me.

Instead, he walks away. Leaving me behind, alone and hurt and confused.

What happened? Did I do something? Why did he refuse my touch? What's wrong with him? We were perfectly good last night. We shared some funny stories about our siblings and talked about Greek Mythology before falling asleep. He even whispered goodnight to me and held me like a teddy bear.

Anxiety and fear cripple me as horrible, heartbreaking thoughts cloud my mind.

Did he regret kissing me?

Oh god.

Tears blur my vision but I choke them back, not wanting to cry so freaking early in the morning. Swallowing the hurt and rubbing on the ache in my chest, I look up and see Aaliyah and Bia staring at me, worried.

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