Chapter Two

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"How was the party?" I whisper.

We're in the library studying and she's using my essay on Pride and Prejudice for our English Lit class as a guide. The girl always leaves her assignments on the night before or the day it's supposed to be graded. I, on the other hand, would rather do the assignments two days before so I don't get overwhelmed and end up with a bad grade.

Aaliyah was ready to rain-check the party after what happened but I reassured her that I was fine, and with the help of a little bribery—food—she was on her way to her crushes' party looking like a goddess.

After what happened yesterday, I cannot be more thankful for having such an amazing, good-hearted best friend. She comforted me and reassured me nothing was going to happen to me. Nate found out and went ballistic. If I hadn't stopped him, he would've found Noah and choked him to death. I'm not embarrassed about what happened because I can't help my panic attacks. It just happened. It wasn't Noah's fault.

When Aaliyah told me that Daniel was comforting me in his arms, I wanted to scream. My body lit up in warmth at the thought of his arms around me. I don't remember a lot of what happened but I do remember him whispering you're okay and that makes my heart flutter.

"He kissed me." Aaliyah confesses.

I gasp.

"For real?"

Aaliyah nods. Matthew Hale has always been rumored to be an extremely good kisser, so the fact that Aaliyah got to experience that has me a tiny bit jealous but nevertheless excited for her.

"I've never had such an amazing kiss before, it was so hot and sweet but hot." Aaliyah coos, daydreaming about the kiss.

I stare at her in admiration.

I've heard about how a kiss can feel like butterflies in your stomach and I've seen it happen in movies and even read about it in romance novels, but never really experienced it myself. The thought of being with someone and sharing such a sweet and intimate gesture, a kiss, seems both dangerous and enchanting.

<3 <3 <3 <3

"Alright, I have a very exciting project for you, so listen up," Mr. Jonathan, our physics professor wanders his eyes around his classroom, "The project is based on Astro—"

The classroom door opens, interrupting the atmosphere.

Daniel Carter, West Hampton Lake's bad boy, walks late into class. Not bothering to apologize to the professor, Daniel casually walks over to his desk which is two desks behind me. For a moment, a split second, our eyes meet, and my cheeks warm under his lingering stare.

Daniel Carter is beautiful beyond imagination. How is he so attractive? And those eyes—those eyes are pure heaven.

Chocolate heaven.

"As I was saying," Mr. Jonathan resumes but not before throwing a hard glare towards Daniel, "The project is based on Astronomy."

Hearing the word Astronomy gets me excited. Oh boy.

"This project will be carried out in pairs, so I have taken the liberty of assigning everyone with their study buddies." As soon as those dreadful words leave his mouth, groans of disagreement fill the calm atmosphere of the classroom.


Study buddies?

Oh god. Oh, dear god. This is bad. This is so bad.

"This project will last for four weeks and you all will be marked individually as well as a pair."

Four weeks? I don't want to be stuck with a stranger for four weeks. I have social anxiety, I get nervous and shy and I'm too quiet. This is a nightmare.

"Alright, I'm going to read out the pairs now," the whole classroom becomes quiet in anticipation, "Risa and Max, Lia and Xavier, Rika and Ace."

The list continues as the fate of every person in this room is written on that paper in his hand.

"Bella and Noelani, Saint and Chicago."

Anxiously, I nibble on my bottom lip. Please give me someone good. Someone who will help me through this, who will not make these four weeks awkward, someone who will—

"Daniel and Rosé."


Where's the nearest storm drain? Pennywise, I'll float.

"Good, now you guys have four weeks. All the marking criteria can be found online and if you need me for anything, you know where to find me. Good luck." With that, Mr. Jonathan leaves the classroom.

Nervously closing my books, I'm about to stand up to go to Daniel when I hear him behind me. Turning around in my seat, I watch as Daniel motions to the poor boy who sits behind me to move. The kid grabs his books and scrambles like his butt is on fire.

Daniel slumps down, leans back, and locks eyes with me. Shivers run down my spine at his intimidating presence and intense eyes. I blush as I move my chair so we're sharing the same desk. I quietly write both of our names on the project sheet.

"A-Aaliyah told me what you did for me. Thank you." With a soft, quiet voice I thank him.

When I don't get an answer back from him—not that I was expecting one—I look up and catch my breath because his eyes are on me. Lazy, heated, and annoyed.

Daniel looks so hot with his varsity jacket on, his black t-shirt and dark hair falling over his eyes. I know that he wants to ask why I had a panic attack yesterday, I can see it in his eyes but I can't. Not only is it not his business but he'll want nothing to do with me after he knows.

"W-when do you want to study together? We can meet up in the library whenever we're free." I'm so nervous and shy that I don't know how I'm scrambling together words to speak to him.

"I have basketball practice tomorrow after 6, we can study after that." With a nonchalant tone, he says.

Daniel and I have never spoken to each other before. We're in two different crowds—he's popular, the captain of the basketball team, girls adore him and I'm just a floater, trying to study and make the most of my youthful memories.

"Okay." I whisper.

I go over the project topics with him and he stays silent but I can feel his eyes on me.

<3 <3 <3 <3

"What's with the sad face?" Aaliyah ruffles my hair.

With my palms cradling my cheeks, I pout as I drown in the scary reality of this Astronomy project. As much as I'm excited about the project and happy that he's my study buddy, I'm scared because...

"I'm stuck with Daniel Carter for Astronomy."

"Oh, boy." Aaliyah sympathetically smiles.

Never once has he ever noticed me or looked at me for more than a second. He gives off bad vibes and that scares me. He's so intimidating and brooding and hot—he's so hot that it makes me want to cry. My anxiety and shyness are going to have a field day when I'll be around him.

I want to cry.

I can't study with him.

Not with that one person who I become so shy around. The one person who makes me feel all happy inside. The one person I daydream about. The one person who ignites familiar emotions that I thought I would never feel again.

The one person who is my crush.

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