Chapter Twelve

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Aaliyah and I are by my locker talking about my sunset not-a-date date with Noah. I'm nervous and excited.

My eyes wander around and stop on Kai and Matthew who are laughing amongst each other. Noah catches my stare and smiles. Matthew winks at Aaliyah as he walks by with Kai and Noah.

Daniel walks past but not before raking his gorgeous eyes up and down my body with a mischievous smirk playing on his desirable lips. Blushing, a wonderful warmth erupts and flutters my heart.

Last night, Daniel left me wanting more. Daniel's touch ignited this ravaging fire inside my body that is yearning, screaming to be set free and craving only for him. Last night was definitely something exhilarating and new. The fire that sparked my arousal had me addicted. His rough yet gentle touch made my body feel so heated and sedated.

<3 <3 <3 <3

"What's the galaxy that's gonna collide with ours?"

"Andromeda." I mumble softly without looking at Daniel.

I've been trying to concentrate on my work but the events from last night just keep replaying in my head. We were so close to each other, the most intimate I've ever been with anyone.

"Damn, this is boring." Daniel groans.

I peek up just in time to watch him run a hand through his temptingly soft hair. Leaning back, he stares at me, catching me off guard.

"Aren't you bored?" His question is adorable.

I shake my head even though I am, but this is work that we have to do in order to get a good grade, no matter how boring it is.

"You know you remind me of a cartoon." Daniel suddenly says the weirdest words to me.

Glancing up at him in utter confusion and a little curiosity, I wait. Grabbing a pen, he pops off the cover with his mouth and I stare. And boy do I stare. The way his mouth just did that—whoa. Out of nowhere, Daniel begins scribbling on the table where we always study on.

My eyes widen.

"What are you doing?"


"You'll get in trouble."

"I don't care." His carefree smirk fascinates me.

Not being able to care about getting into trouble must feel good. His confidence is astounding to me. Daniel stops, glancing at me then back down on the doddle he just created. I furrow my brows as I stare at the very familiar-looking character.

"Stitch?" my eyes gleam in amusement. "I remind you of Stitch?"

Daniel grins, obviously amused.

Rolling my eyes, I grab the pen from him and decide to draw my own masterpiece. I'm surprised at my actions because I've never vandalized any property but being here with Daniel, I let my carefree personality crawl out.

I grin as I finish the most beautiful doddle ever.

"You're Cheese."

Daniel looks at the doodle and smiles, his dimples making him look so adorable and hot at the same time. I drew Cheese from Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends.

"Oh, you're playing me like that, huh?" Daniel teases.

I giggle feeling myself getting excited with the playfulness going on between us. Daniel catches my smile and suddenly starts to tickle my sides. I squeal and squirm with laughter. I hear him laugh in amusement and when I try to push him away, he grabs my wrists and pushes me onto my back on the sofa.

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