Chapter Twenty Six

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After last night, I can't stop thinking about Daniel. I'm so freaking angry at him and I'm mad at myself for crying over a boy. Sleep never came, even after I drank a warm glass of milk and snuggled with Binx.

Why was he so angry with me? I did nothing wrong. I was with Noah, so what. It's not like I have feelings for him. Daniel is stupid if he thinks I'm letting him touch me so intimately only to go rendezvous with his brother. Daniel was clouded with destructive heartlessness and those words—you belong to me—I wanted to punch his goddamn attractive face.

We haven't kissed. Every time we've fooled around, we haven't kissed. I've wanted to kiss him from the moment he locked eyes with me on that bright sunny day back in freshman year but I don't know if he has the same intentions. Why doesn't he want to kiss me?

Daniel has touched me in a way no other guy has. The soft caresses, vulgar roughness, and euphoric pleasure. I adore every little touch.

But not how he touched me yesterday when he got angry. I got so scared, I didn't show it but my heart was tightening with fear. For the first time since he's touched me, Daniel made me feel scared. I hated the way he touched me. So rough, so cruel. It didn't make me have a panic attack but it cut into my heart with something bad.

I'm in the library, studying. It's empty and quiet and just what I need. Thoughts of Daniel are momentarily forgotten as I search for a book that I need to rewrite a section I did for the Astronomy project.


My heart stops in dread at Wren's voice. Twirling around, I gawk at him leaning up against a bookshelf with his eyes on me.

"Wren," my voice trembles, "W-what are you doing here?"

Wren smiles and pushes off the bookshelf to walk towards me. I instinctively take steps back until my back is against the bookshelf.

"Wanted to see you." Wren smirks.

Trapping me against the bookshelf with his arms, Wren runs his soulless blue eyes over my lips.

"Wren." Whimpering, I try to push him away but it's futile as always, he pins my wrist to my chest.

"Rosé, remember when I gave you your first—"

"Wren, let go of me." I cry out, wriggling my wrist out of his brutal grip, but he's too strong.

"I wanna make you feel good, Rosé." Wren whispers into my ear.

Nauseating chills run down my spine. My eyes blur with frightened tears.

This is a nightmare. I'm alone with this monster in this library.

"Wren, let go." I quiver.

Wren moves his hands down my waist, down my hips, and sneak under my dress, my heart thuds in horror. But before he can touch me, he's snatched away from me in a violent tug.

Noah is glaring at Wren with wrath burning in his warm chocolate eyes.

"You're fucking dead." Noah growls, shoving Wren against a bookshelf.

A few books fall and the loud thuds make me flinch.

"I was just having some fun." Wren smirks.

"Stay the fuck away from her, Wren." Noah viciously bites and it's like seeing Daniel when he was fighting Chase.

Wren isn't affected, his smug grin mocks Noah and me.

"We can share," Wren says those nauseating words to Noah, "She's nothing special, she's a boring slut—"

I shriek when Noah punches Wren.

Wren laughs, wiping the blood away from his nose with the back of his hand, looking like the sadistic psychopath. Wren stares at Noah then like something switching in him, he bares his teeth and punches Noah. I gasp but Noah growls and chokes Wren, trapping him against the bookshelf.

My eyes widen at his actions.

"Noah." I grab his flexed arm and he eases off Wren but not before hitting him once more.

Seething at Wren, Noah grabs my hand and my books and walks out of the library.

I stare at Noah in awe. I've never seen him so angry.


"What the hell happened to you?" Kai laughs when he sees my face.

I throw him the bird and hop onto the hood of my car.

Daniel glances at me, worry and his usual cuntness showing.

That fucking dickhead got me good, my cheek fucking hurts. But I'd break every single bone in his body if he lays a hand on her again.

If I hadn't gone to the library, Wren would've messed around with Rosé, and understanding that she doesn't like to be touched, I had to knock that idiot around.

My eyes fly over to Wren flirting with girls. Motherfucker comes here to show off his small dick energy. Pathetic.

"Wren was messing with Rosé in the library," I confess and Kai and Matthew look surprised but Daniel, he looks murderous, "If I hadn't gone there, that fucker would've—fuck."

I don't even want to think about it, let alone say the words. Rosé's terrified eyes tore into me and my rage took control of me. She looked so scared and vulnerable. What kind of human trash do you have to be to touch someone without their consent? Wren is fucked up in the head.

And I'm not stupid to realize that he might be the reason for Rosé's haphephobia. The girl looked terrified as if she'd seen a ghost when he turned up at Kai's birthday party.

"Bro, what are you do—Daniel!" Kai shouts as Daniel pounces at Wren, knocking him to the ground.

"You're fucking dead." Ominous darkness shadows him as he brutally punches Wren.

"Daniel!" I growl, snatching my brother off of Wren.

Wren spits out blood, mocking Daniel with a smile and Daniel lunges at him, escaping from my hold.

"Fuck. Daniel, stop!" Kai and I haul his ass off of Wren again and I hold him back with a strength that matches his.

Wren laughs.

"She's nothing but a worthless slut—"

Daniel makes this animalistic sound that makes me wince. Twisting out of my hold, he grabs Wren by the throat and slams him against a car, his fist coming down to punch Wren with so much force, I hear bones crack.


Once again, I catch hold of my brother but he shoves me off.

"Son of a bitch!" Daniel is livid, eyes red and looking for destruction as he kicks a car, denting the bodywork. 

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