vi. by the window, romeo

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chapter six!
by the window, romeo

    GETTING HOME that afternoon, Nina said a quick hello to her mother and went straight to her room. Her father wasn't home yet. He had work until later in the evening with patients booked in until five-thirty. But her mother worked at home, selling artwork through her own business. Nina passed her in her art studio, the painting she started last week half-done in a splash of acrylic colours. Her mother blew her a kiss in greeting, waving her fingers as a hello as Nina continued on. She made it to her room and opened the door, throwing her bag onto her bed and already grabbing her books, and everything she'd need to study.

     Almost immediately, she got a message from Felicia.

     cia🙇🏼‍♀️: You coming to Liz's party this weekend? Might get the chance to see your Spidey again (¬‿¬)

     (Felicia didn't use emojis. She downloaded an app in which she could paste text emoticons instead of having to search them up or make them because Felicia was nothing if she wasn't dramatic).

     Nina rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless. She was tempted, but she had to study for Nationals and get her homework done.

     That was a lie, she knew it. The reason she wasn't going was because Peter now was. She didn't trust herself to be around him after a few drinks, nor did she want to handle the awkwardness, or start another argument ... she just wanted a weekend with nothing happening. She wanted a break because this week at school had already been so eventful than usual.

    (That was also a lie. She didn't want to go because she didn't think she could deal with seeing Peter smile at Liz the way he does).

     Nina sat down on her bed and replied, pulling her legs up to cross them. Can't, studying

     It didn't take long for her friend to reply. Boring wife.

     Nina chuckled. Ex-wife, she corrected.

     (╥﹏╥), answered Felicia

    Still smiling, she set her phone aside. She felt a little better at that. Felicia knew her better than most, and ever since she broke up with Peter, they had gotten closer. She had been there for her, and Nina was trying her best to be there for Cia at this point in her life without being overbearing, because she meant a lot to her now.

    She didn't know how long she had been working; perhaps an hour, taking notes for her practice essay on Schrödinger's Cat before she'd actually have to create a paper on basic quantum mechanics. She was really into biology and chemistry, and so this was a stretch for her━but that didn't mean she wasn't determined to do really well and learn. But ... Peter had always promised he'd be there to help her, and they'd do their papers together.

     ... And she was in that horrible mood again.

    She felt that urge to text him again. To say what? That she was sorry? That she still felt the same after it all? That she was angry, and she was sad, and she was so stranded and wished that he was right here with her? No, she couldn't. He had broken up with her, not the other way around. He obviously was moving on with Liz despite all he said, and Nina was going to have to deal with it.

    Felicia's mantra was starting to sink into her more than it had before. Move on.

   Nina didn't need Peter's help in quantum mechanics. She will figure it out herself. She will move on━

𝐝𝐞𝐣𝐚 𝐯𝐮,      peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now