xlii. e.d.i.t.h

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chapter forty-two
even dead, i'm the hero

THE EASTERN ALPS were something to experience, even from behind a tinted travel bus window. If Peter wasn't so annoyed with Fury hijacking his high school summer vacation, he would've marvelled at the mountains that stretched out far into the distance━rocky fissures with miles of woodland that stretched far up through the clouds until they seemed to venture off past the atmosphere. Towns were scattered down the slope of the winding road; tucked in valleys and pastures underneath the shadow of vast fortresses of cliffs and jagged stone.

Driving towards it through the forest around the mountains, Peter couldn't help but scoff in reluctant amazement.

Everyone was pretty spread out on the bus. They had the room for it. Flash stretched his legs out across the front row━taking it all out to film his livestream that no one spent their time watching. Peter saw Brad not far behind him, gazing silently out of the window and trying very hard not to fall asleep. Mr. Harrington and Mr. Dell sat close by each other, as all teachers do━though neither seemed to care about what any of their students might spend their time with, too busy on their phones or peering outside. Ned and Betty were squeezed in together in the same row, chuckling and talking amongst each other━showing photos and videos of cute animals. Peter found himself alone in the back, watching Nina sit with MJ, casually watching the Alps pass them by with a pretty smile on her face while Michelle read her book.

Peter found himself upset. He had this whole plan surrounding Paris━and now, he was stuck on a road trip to Prague in order to fight some fire Elemental that could destroy the world. He knew that was what he had to do, and yet ... he glanced down, fiddling with the round box the jeweller had given him back in Venice. Inside, lied the necklace he gave a leg and an arm to buy for her. He opened it, sighing at the sight of a small glass mug dangling from a chain. It seemed cheesy━super cheesy, and yet he knew Nina would love it ... and yet he wouldn't be able to give it to her on top of the Eiffel Tower, tell her how he felt and━well━kiss her. He wanted that so much.

But he's soon realised that being Spider-Man meant he never quite got what he wanted.

"Yo, what's up, Flash Mob?!" he rolled his eyes as he heard Flash's voice carrying all the way up from the front row. "It's your boy, the Big F cruising through the Alps with my private driver, Dimitri. How you liking it, Dimitri?" he turned his camera onto Nick Fury's agent who side-eyed him, unblinking and nonchalant. Flash swallowed hard. "O━okay ..." he spun his phone back onto himself. "Anyway━!"

Peter glanced back down when he saw a message pop up on his phone from MJ.

mj: if flash doesn't shut up right now i will throw my book in his face.

Peter sort of wanted her to, but instead, he replied with: I need your help, I don't know what to do with Nina now we're not going to Paris! He added a few frantic emoji's to express his point.

He swore he heard MJ let out an exasperated sigh from a few seats in front. Who cares where you guys are? she answered. Just tell her and move on. Get over it.

Peter glanced up to find her scowling back at him. He replied with his best flat look. Soon, he smiled sarcastically to tell her, so helpful. She just replied with one of her own.

With another annoyed sigh, Peter slumped back in his chair and glumly tried to look for any romantic places to go in Prague━some high-top building he could swing to where no one would interrupt them. Though, he soon found out he wouldn't have much luck.

𝐝𝐞𝐣𝐚 𝐯𝐮,      peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now