lxx. second chances

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chapter seventy
second chances

     THE UPPER New York Bay lit up in gold as the electrical storm festering in the clouds grew to the amount which sent Peter Parker's hair sharp on edge. He glanced upwards, as did his two variants as a voice boomed across the water.

    "What's up, Peter?"

    Electro's voice trembled with a static vibration, and it caused it to dart across the sky like the fork lightning dashing down dangerously close. Peter gasped when one stuck the edge of Lady Liberty's crown a few points down from where he was. 

    And there Electro appeared. Materialising from the yellow haze left behind, the supervillian had turned into a being of lightning from the power of the arc reactor secured onto his chest. Spider-Man's eyes widened, his breath hitching with a slither of fear at the way the energy circled and pointed at Electro's head, creating his own crown▬as if he had turned into a walking star. 

   He grinned at the way Spider-Man's lenses widened. Electro chuckled. "How you like the new-new?"

    Spider-Man tilted his head and his lenses narrowed at the star mask on Electro's face. "I think I wore that when I played a star for my kindergarten nursery rhyme concert. Hey, Max, did you take my costume? You know that's stealing, right? I feel like there should be some royalties, but, I mean▬" he gestured at himself, "▬I'm no expert▬"

     Electro growled, annoyed at his words. "Doesn't matter what universe, you still talk too much. Look," he held out his hands, hovering above Spider-Man, his lightning giving him six points▬like a star (Peter has so many jokes right now...), "you give the box to me, I'm gonna destroy it." He chuckled. "But I'll let you live. Don't make me a murderer, Peter."

     "Before you kill me, can you sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star? Actually, maybe not. I feel like that's a fate worse than death▬" Spider-Man said before running to the tip of the Lady Liberty's crown. He leapt off and somersaulted into a dive down the side of the statue. 

      Peter had not only tinkered with the villains serums, but he had also made time to fix the tech in his suit as best as he could. He grinned to himself when the comm lines of Peter Two and Peter Three automatically connected as his lenses narrowed down onto the area below him. "Okay, guys, here he comes," announced Peter One as he broke his fall, attatching a web to the side of the scaffold and swinging around with a speed that split the air. Lightning splintered inches behind him. Electro jumped across his lightning strikes, riding the energy wherever he wished▬he disappeared and reappeared, darting around as he followed. 

     Spider-Man swung past the lower levels of scaffolding where his two variants waited. They both tugged on their masks and took off at a sprint in opposite directions. As Peter One zipped around the corner, the Amazing Spider-Man took his place.

     "Hey, Max!" he called out, leaping right into Electro's path. The supervillian staggered in confusion when he recognised the voice and glanced over. His eyes widened. "I missed you, man!"

    Anger buzzed and the pure energy bouncing off Electro reflected that. He growled and clenched his hands. "Spider-Man!" he seethed with vengeful menace and flung out his hands. 

    "Whoa▬!" sparks showered as lightning ricocheted off the metal of the scaffold, missing the Amazing Spider-Man by seconds as he yanked himself upwards. 

   With Electro distracted, the first Spider-Man flung himself back the way he came▬he swung a full circle around the statue and twisted his body upwards to where orange light sparked in a narrow circle. As Peter neared the circle, he shouted: "All right, Felicia, heads up!"

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