Chapter 14

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Life in the desert was no easy task.

It was always hot and dry, leading to atty always carrying around a water bottle to stay hydrated. She had already been in Lonesome Flats for 6 months, time seems to fly when you're learning how to square dance.

Atalanta had already met so many people, along with Delta, she met Gust
Tumbleweed, Deltas right hand man. He introduced himself pretty quickly, with a firm handshake and an offer to go dancing sometime.

Along with Gust she had also met another teen girl named Holly Darlin, a blue haired troll just like Atty. She had a near suffocating southern hospitality, but it soon grew on Atty. They had become really good friends, Holly had taught her how to bake pies, while Atty would try to teach Holly how to play an electric guitar.

"You sure that I'm holding it right?" Holly questioned while awkwardly holding Atalantas guitar.

"Yea! You got it, lookin gnarly too!"

"You really think so?" She smiled up at her.

"Of course, try and play a cord, I know you've played an acoustic guitar before."

Holly held the guitar and strummed a cord, it kinda sounded like a screech, which caused her to stop near immediately.

"I don't think I did it right.. guitars aren't supposed to sound like that"

"Oh its OK! I sounded like that the first time I played it too, it just takes a little practice is all."

The country music trolls never really had concerts like the other trolls Atty had met, they had more like little gatherings. A group would gather around a bon fire and on would play a folk song on a guitar, while someone played a banjo or small drums. But the really fun ones would be when there would be a hoedown in a bar of some sort, someone would be singing and playing a fiddle, while others would be playing other instruments..

Guys like me by Eric Church

It was a lively little saloon, little candles in what looked like Mason jars hung from the ceiling. Everyone was wearing either a ten gallon hat or a big southern bow on their head. Atalanta had her hair braided into a Dutch braid, with a big blue bow at the end of it. The music had started and the country trolls started stomping their hooves, some joining together to dance.

I wear a greasy ball cap

I like my shirt un-tucked

I spend Saturdays working on my truck

Atty mostly stayed near Delta or Holly during these hoedowns, but Holly had gotten asked to dance from someone, and Delta had gone off to get a drink. Atalanta was left alone at a table with her rootbeer.

I don't like to fight

But I ain't scared to bleed

Most don't mess with a guy like me

Another teenager had approached Atty, she was a short blonde girl with bright rosie cheeks with dimples. And she had brought Atty another drink,

'Cause guys like me drink too many beers on Friday after work

Our best blue jeans have Skoal rings
We wear our boots to church
So rough around the edges
It's hard to believe

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