Chapter 11

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They continued down the hallway, full of large doors and bright colors. It was much different than where the rock trolls lived, at least this place was tidy. Soon arriving in a large kitchen, Atalanta sat down and Prince D got a glass of water. As soon as he gave it to her she gulped all of it in only a few seconds.

"Thank you..." she finally spoke.

"Y-you're welcome... do you need anything else?" Prince D questioned.

She really needed to hydrate her entire body, though she didn't want to intrude. So she just sat there silently, and awkwardly.

"So- um- where were you going out in that desert?" He broke the deafening silence in the room .

"Oh, I was trying to find the funk trolls, to learn their music."

"Well congratulations, you found them, us funk trolls live here in Vibe City. We're more than happy to show you our music!" He cheered with a smile.

"Wait really? The funk trolls live in a space ship!?" Atalanta stated in disbelief.

"Oh you could call it that, well if you are gonna learn here we might wanna get you a room."

Atalanta still could barely move, trying to get up to float, she was not really able to yet.

"Um- can I get a little help please?"

"Oh, of course!" He walked over to Atalanta and helped her onto his back.

"Um, by the way, what is your name?" Prince D questioned.

"My name is Atalanta" she responded.

They continued down a corridor, entering into a large room, with bright lights coming from a window. The bed was big and extravagant with soft blankets and pillows.

Prince D walked over to it, letting Atalanta hop off. She fell back, sprawling over the sheets, marveling at how silky the comforters felt.

"This place is beautiful!" She beamed, throwing her hands above her head.

"I know, only the best for our guests. I'll let you get settled in a bit and then we can go on a tour and maybe visit a few shops for some funky new clothes." He smirked and walked out of the room.

Atalanta immediately tried to find a way to get to the bathroom, to hydrate herself, prince D couldn't carry her around forever.

It was very uncomfortable to move around, she eventually started to use the wall to try and shimmy over to the bathroom. It was a little difficult but eventually she made it, turning on the faucet.

Once the tub filled she sat in the water, slowly putting her head under the surface the water, soothing her dry scales. A few minutes later she got out and fixed up her hair. Atalanta was finally able to float again, she went to find her new friend Prince D.

Going through the halls she noticed that it was awfully cold in Vibe City, guessing it was because the trolls that lived there were covered with thick fur to keep them warm. But for her, a techno troll with only scales, it was freezing, she wanted to find a coat or something to keep her warm.

Soon enough she finally found Prince D, he was talking to two other funk trolls. A tall purple troll with a long golden cloak on their back next to a blue troll with sparkly silver tassels. She went up to them, shivering from the low temperatures.

"H-hey Prince D."

"Oh hey-" he noticed that she was shivering.

"Are you alright?" He questioned her.

"Y-yea just a little c-cold."

"Oh, well when we go down to the shops we can maybe find something to keep you warm." He reassured her, soon turning his attention back to the other trolls.

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