Chapter 2

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With Atalanta:

When she woke up it seemed very dull, like there wasn't anything great about that day. She got out of bed, brushed her teeth and fixed her hair, all without hearing all the hustle and bustle of the LED palace. A place where you could usually hear trolls swimming around trying to fulfill their duties for the day.

But today, there was silence.

This was worrying because of the queens condition last night, things could not have gone well. Atalanta slowly swam out of her room and towards the royal master bedroom. Swimming in she found that it was full of doctors and servants, the doctors seeming to check her for any sign of life. Most of the servants looked worried some were sitting on the floor with their heads down, mourning.

A look of realization and shock came over Atalanta's face as she swam over to her queen. The doctors soon finished their re-evaluation, looking over to Atalanta then shaking their head.

She needed to find Trollex.

Quickly zooming out of the room and toward Trollexs', slamming open the door jolting Trollex out of bed. She didn't even have to say anything for him to know what happened.

Quicker than a sail fish he swam right past her and towards his mothers room. Atalanta swam as fast as she could to try and catch up with him but it was extremely difficult. Soon, they both arrived at the royal master bed room and just standing in the door way, Trollex just had tears streaming down his face as he rushed over to his mom.

"mom...MOM?!?" He said lightly shaking his mom before the doctors stopped him.

Trollex looked up, face stained with tears, the doctor shook her head.

This utterly crushed him, he cried more than Atalanta had ever seen him cry.

Just a few minutes later a servant swam up to Atalanta, gesturing her to follow him. They went out to the hall to make sure the others weren't bothered, especially Trollex.

"Uh m'lady... I need to inform you of something, since the Queen has passed, the current prince will have to be coronated king. The event has to be organized soon, the tribe cannot go a really long time without a leader. Without a leader there will be no music and without any music there could be a great sadness amongst the tribe."

" He just lost his mother and is still just a teenager, this is a really difficult time for him. But if you could discreetly prepare a small coronation then soon before hand I will inform him of it. If we can do it quickly maybe it won't be so damaging."

"Of course ma'am." He said, soon swimming off to start the long process of planning a techno coronation.

"I need to give Trollex the letter his mom wrote him, hopefully it will cheer him up a bit." Atalanta said in her head, swimming towards Trollex as he sat next to his mothers bed.

"Um- Trollex? I have something for you..."

He slowly looked over to her, looking completely broken.

"Actually it is from your mom"

He quietly got up and swam over to her gently taking the letter and opening it.

Dear Trollex
I know that you may be in a very painful place right now, but just know that you were the best thing to ever come into my life. So full of love and happiness, I don't want this to keep you back from being a happy person.
I've done what I needed to and now it is your turn. I will always be with you and remember whenever you love being yourself that's some of me loving you and loving being with you.
Because you are someone extraordinary, take care of them Trollex.

Love, your mother, Queen Mariana

A few minutes of reading went by and Atalanta could tell that it hit Trollex hard. He hugged the note close to him and quietly sobbed. She swam over and gestured to him to hug her, he took the offer and sprang into her arms.

"It will be ok Trollex believe me, I will help you with anything you might need... you can always count on me." Atalanta said softly rubbing Trollex's back.

" I j-ust need some time a-alone." He said wiping away tears.

"I'll see you later Atty." He sadly said, swimming out of the room.

After a few hours Atalanta was getting some lunch for her and Trollex since she noticed he hadn't come out of his room since that morning. Carrying some veggie wraps she slowly made her way to his room trying to figuring out what to say to him.

"Well maybe I should just tell him outright that he is going to be crowned king soon..." "But he's so upset about what happened he won't even want to hear about that right now" " I should probably just talk to him" "yea but there's a good chance he will just tell you to leave him alone"

She kept arguing to herself under her breath until she finally made it to his room.  First she knocked on it gently, she didn't hear a response so she knocked again, just deciding to slowly go in, she cracked the door open. Peeping in seeing Trollex laying on his bed facing away from the door.

Opening the door more she spoke out to him. "Trollex? I brought you some food if you are hungry, I thought you would be since you've been in here all day. How are you holding up?"

"Ugh.. not the best..." he said still facing away from her.

She swam over to his bed and sat down hoping that he would sit up to talk to her. BDB swam to her and whispered "He hasn't really been in the best mood so I'd tread with caution..." After a few minutes of just sitting in silence he finally sits up but still faces away from her.

"Atty, what's going to happen now? I'm only 15 I can't run a whole tribe! I wasn't prepared for this!" He kinda yelled throwing his hands up and getting off the bed in frustration.

"It will be ok but... the palace servants are already preparing for a coronation..."

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