8. Call Me "Hobi"

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"You lied to him?" Namjoon and Yoongi were standing in front of the younger's locker in a school hallway. Yoongi told him that he had completely forgot about Jimin's birthday and had to pretend as if he remembered. "Why would you do that?"

"I didn't want to upset him at his birthday obviously, why else?" The school hadn't even finished yet but Yoongi was already irritated. "Look, I haven't brought any clothes from home to change and come at the karaoke bar."

"Oh, so that's your problem." Namjoon finally realized what was bothering his friend. "Don't worry about that Yoongi, you can borrow my clothes." Yoongi scrunched his nose from just a thought of it. Namjoon's sense of style was a bit..

"No offense, but none of your outfits are more than seven on the scale from one to ten."

Namjoon looked at the shorter boy discontentedly. "You know, when you say insulting things, putting simple "no offense" doesn't make it sound less offensive." He said, closed his locker door and headed to the class. Yoongi followed him.

In the classroom they sat together but no one was saying a word so it felt awkward. Namjoon was Yoongi's best friend and he didn't want to hurt him with stupid words so he decided to earn his forgiveness.

"I'm sorry Joon. I don't wanna fight with you. Are you still mad at me?" He pouted his lips and looked at Namjoon with big puppy eyes. "Will you forgive me?"

Namjoon sighed and nodded in defeat. Yoongi smirked proudly, he exactly knew the younger's weak spots. But that wasn't surprising, after all they knew each other for ten years.

When the lessons were finally finished, Yoongi caught up with Taehyung and told him about his "fashion crisis". Of course the black haired boy didn't know why Yoongi couldn't go back home to change into something proper, nevertheless, he immediately agreed to help his hyung without questions. So they went to Taehyung's house.

The younger, unlike Namjoon, had very sophisticated taste and Yoongi was well aware of that. Most of Taehyung's outfits were branded. He cared a lot about his appearance, after all the boy wanted to become an idol.

To Yoongi's big surprise, Jimin wasn't accompanying them. That felt a bit... weird? He got used to seeing two of them together all the time and it was odd spending time with Taehyung without Jimin. He got carried away in his thoughts and suddenly chuckled. Taehyung curiously looked at him.

"Hyung, what got you smiling like that?" He asked the older.

Yoongi hesitated a bit but then answered. "Nothing, just today at lunch I was struggling to remember when was the last time I saw you and Jimin apart and failed. I think it's funny that just few hours later there you are all alone. It's a really rare sight."

"You are right, it feels unusual without my Minnie by my side. Usually, we come at my place after school and study together when I don't have rehearsals. But today he has to prepare for the karaoke night."

"Yeah, right study together." Yoongi looked at the younger incredulously as they approached his bedroom. "You guys have a whole damn house on your own and expect me to believe you come here and study."

"Whoa, Yoongi!" Taehyung acted offended but Yoongi knew that he was right. They all were horny teenagers after all and shared one brain cell. "How can you say something like that so shamelessly? My parents are home by 7 pm, by the way. We don't even have much time."

"These kids.." Yoongi shook his head. But there was one question he wanted to ask him and didn't have opportunity when Jimin was around.

"Don't you like ever get bored of each other?" He asked straightforward as sat on Taehyung's comfortable bed.

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