47. My Savior

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Hoseok had spent the whole night by Yoongi's side. Mrs. Min told him to go home to freshen up and return at morning, but the brunette denied the offer immediately. He knew that he couldn't rest thinking about Yoongi in that cold hospital room. That's why he insisted on placing Yoongi in VIP room. Mrs. Min nearly got heart attack when she saw hospital bill, but Hoseok assured her that he would be the one paying for it. 

In the morning, a doctor checked Yoongi one more time and gave Hoseok instructions on how to treat the older's wounded back. The brunette's heart sank when he saw how severely beaten was Yoongi. There wasn't even a little space left unharmed. Hoseok had never wanted to kill someone so bad in his life.

Thankfully Yoongi seemed a lot better at the morning. By a lot better Hoseok meant that the silver haired wasn't staring at the ceiling anymore and he reacted to people talking to him. The boy still didn't reply anything but that was the progress, right?

Since Mrs. Min would be busy filing lawsuit against her husband, they decided that it would be better if Hoseok took Yoongi back to his home. Moreover, Mr. Min's location wasn't known and it would be dangerous to bring Yoongi at that house again. Before leaving, Hoseok gave the woman his address so she could visit her son anytime.

"Thank you for everything that you're doing for my son, Hobi." She said one more time with a gummy smile that never failed to make Hoseok's heart skip a beat. The more time boy spent with mother of his boyfriend, the more similarities he found between two. Same beautiful hazel eyes, breathtaking gummy smile and delicate button nose. But unlike her son, Mrs. Min didn't have squishy chubby cheeks and her lips were plumpier.

"I still don't understand why do you thank me, Mrs. Min. Yoongi is my world now. If needed I'll do ten times more for him." Hoseok adoringly glanced back at his boyfriend already sitting in the car. They were outside the hospital ready to leave home while Mrs. Min had to go at police station. "And before you go..." The brunette took out a black and white business card with some beautiful triangular patterns on it and gave it to the woman. "Mr. Lee is our family lawyer. He's one of the bests in this field. I know you'll need a good lawyer in court so please contact him. He'll help you. And don't worry about his fee, I've already taken care of that."

Mrs. Min looked with so much adoration at the boy, that Hoseok felt a bit shy under her loving gaze. She just embraced him in her small hands but that was enough for the boy to feel that motherly love that he hadn't felt for last ten years and he gladly hugged her back.

"Thank you my boy. I'll make him pay for everything. I promise." She patted Hoseok's back before kissing his cheeks and doing the same to Yoongi in the car. The silver haired looked with innocent eyes at his mom and threw his hands around her neck. "Everything will be fine my boy. Mom will take care of that." She whispered to him. And Yoongi believed her.

"Alright, then!" Mrs. Min exclaimed after caressing her son's bruised face one more time. "Have a safe drive, boys." She waved at them goodbye.

"We will. Goodbye Mrs Min." Hoseok told her getting in his new black car and driving away. He had bought it especially for that moment to drive Yoongi home safely and comfortable, since the older would struggle getting in his old yellow sports car that was small.

Yoongi's POV

As soon as we reached the mansion, Hobi jumped out the car first to open me the door and help me get out. I slightly blushed at that action hoping he wouldn't notice. I wholeheartedly loved the attention I was getting from him and my mom. It was something new for me.

I noticed how stiff Hobi acted when we went inside the mansion. He didn't know what to do or say to make me feel comfortable. I really wanted to tell him that I was okay and he shouldn't worry that much, but I couldn't force words out of my mouth. I don't know why I found it hard to talk. There were so many things I wanted to say. Even yesterday, I felt so bad when I accidentally woke up in the middle of night and saw Hoseok curled up in a ball at gray armchair. I wanted to wrap him in a tight hug and thank him for sticking to his word and not leaving my side.

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