Chapter 4

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Chapter Four


Jack trips over as he tries to yank his pants on. I don't even care. I don't stop to cover myself.

The second that Mila bangs on the door, I'm out of my seat and rushing over. I'm buck naked and my big dick is hard and flopping everywhere, but I don't care. Nothing is going to stop me from keeping this girl.

That big lughead of a security guard opens the damn door and our little mouse scurries out of our trap.

She races through the Casino and I slide to a stop in front of the open door. People turn and start snickering when they see me naked. An image of me running after her and getting tackled by security plays through my mind and I step to the side where no one can see me. I have to be smarter than that. I'll be spending the night in jail instead of inside Mila's soft cunt if I'm too reckless.

Jack tosses me my pants and I quickly put them on. He's buttoning his shirt as he walks over barefoot. He takes a quick peek outside our private room and then turns to the giant at the door.

"What did we say?"

Oh shit.

That vein is pulsing in his neck. He's always been the hothead of the two of us.

I'm the brains who finds and negotiates the real estate deals and Jack is the muscle who makes sure that no one screws us over.

We started from nothing, but quickly grew a vast fortune and a fierce reputation in the competitive New York real estate market as two rising stars that weren't to be fucked with. Jack made sure of that when he took care of a contractor who was trying to rip us off. All it took was a pissed off Jack and a staple-gun and our reputation was set.

The security guard's eyes widen to the size of poker chips as Jack grabs him and yanks him inside. I quickly close the door as Jack slams him up against the wall.

"What the fuck did we say?" His voice is all snarls and growls. I don't think I've ever seen him this worked up, even after the local mob boss in Queens tried to push us out of a real estate deal. Poor Lorenzo Alberici still can't open his right eye.

"What the fuck did we tell you?"

"To keep the d-door..." The giant stutters and can't seem to get out a clear sentence with Jack's hand wrapped around his neck. "...locked."

"So why the fuck did you open it?"

I hurry over and put my hand on my brother's flexed forearm before he does something that he's going to regret. "Let him go, Jack. It's okay. We'll find her."

His huge chest is rising and falling rapidly as he glares up at the much bigger man. I know the turmoil he's feeling. I'm feeling the same thing.

I've always been able to control the rage inside a little better than Jack, and I'm usually able to talk him down when I need to. Usually. It seems like Mila has thrown a wrench into our usually.

Nothing is going to be the same anymore. We were both watching the people below from the VIP section when suddenly she walked into our lives.

It was as if an all-powerful force suddenly gripped our souls and clenched them until we couldn't breathe. We looked at each other and we both knew the other was feeling the same thing.

This was the girl we've been looking for. This was the girl who was going to be ours.

My father split while my mother was still pregnant with me and I've never met the bastard. I didn't have the easiest childhood. My mother's head wasn't screwed on right and by the time I was eight-years-old, they had carted her off for good. She took her life a few years later and by that time, I had been cycled through over a dozen foster homes. Each one seemed to be worse than the last.

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