Chapter 5

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Chapter Five


I cover my face as the cheap wooden door explodes into pieces. Jack comes rushing into my horrible motel room with Jax following close behind.

A sense of relief and yearning fills me up even as Jack picks me up and throws me over his hard round shoulder like I weigh nothing.

Jax walks up behind Jack and gently pushes my chin up with his hand until I'm looking into his dark hazel eyes. "I know you don't want to come with us," he says in a low gravelly voice, "but it's not safe here. You're spending the night with us."

My pussy throbs under his stare. His friend's big hands feel so strong on my body as he pins me to his shoulder. I can't move. I don't want to move.

I want them to take me with them and use me as their shared sex toy. I'm here in Vegas by myself. No one would know if I acted like a filthy slut for one night. What would happen if I finally gave into my deep primal desires just this one time? Would it be as amazing as in my fantasies?

Jack doesn't wait for my answer. He stomps out of the room toward the waiting limousine while Jax collects my bags. He follows us out and puts them in the trunk while Jack swings me off his shoulder and puts me into the back of the limo.

It's gorgeous in here with a full bar, soft lighting, nice music, and big comfy seats. The air smells like them and that sexy rich scent gets my pussy tingling even more. I'm so wet. I can feel my juices soaking through my underwear.

I swallow hard and feel my cheeks blush when I think about what they might do if they find out how wet I am.

Jack is the first one to climb in and Jax quickly enters the limo next. He closes the door as Jack puts up the barrier between us and the driver.

"Back to the hotel," he barks before the black soundproof glass goes up to the roof, sealing us in here. The men are between me and the door. There's no escape this time.

"Why did you run?" Jax asks me.

Their intense eyes on me make my cheeks burn even more as I shift uncomfortably in my seat.

"It was too... too..."


"Yes." It comes out like a moan. I can't have sex with two men. It's way too filthy. That's what pornstars do, not girls like me.

"She's so innocent," Jax says to his friend. "So pure."

Jack licks his lips as his eyes drop down to my throbbing pussy. If only he knew how wet I was.

"It's not dirty," Jax says as he sits beside me. My heart starts pounding as he presses his large frame against my side. Before I know what's happening, Jack is on my other side with his hand on my knee. "It's beautiful and we know you wanted it back there in the room. We could see the lust in your eyes. Just like we saw that little wet spot on your panties."

"No." I'm breathing hard. My back is arching. "It wasn't like that. I can never be with two guys."

Even as I say it, I know it's a lie. It's getting harder and harder to deny the deep throbbing need that's pulsing in my soaked pussy.

"You should stop depriving yourself of what this sweet young body needs," Jax says as his big hand comes down on my other knee. My legs part a little, but I'm not sure if it's them separating my legs or me.

I can't think straight when I'm between them like this. My body is a mess of improper wants and needs. Why can't I be a good girl like my dad wants me to be? Why do my desires have to be so wrong?

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