chapter 8

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Chapter Eight


Three weeks later...

My father took the news that I wasn't returning to Oklahoma to work at the hardware store hard. He'll get over it eventually, he just needs some time to cool off.

"I put all of that work in for you and Chris," he said when I had spoken to him. Jack and Jax took me back to Tulsa on their private jet to tell him in person. They weren't about to let me go on my own. I promised them that I would get on the first flight to New York after, but they had said it was out of the question. I'm going to have to get used to having two possessive men around who are both a little obsessed with me.

"I put so many hours in so that you two could have a better life," my father had said.

"You gave us a great life," I replied, trying to make him understand. "But the hardware store is just not for me. I want to pursue interior design."

"That's not realistic. How are you going to get a job in that?"

"I already have one."

His mouth hit the floor when I told him that two of the biggest real estate moguls in Manhattan hired me to set up the show models of their new building.

Only when Jack and Jax walked in the house, did he start to believe it.

He still thought it was a mistake, but what could I do? He's the type who never left the street he was born on and me, well, I want more than that.

And I found it.

"I want the large Miranda Cross painting up there," I say to my assistant as I point to the large area of blank wall over the stairs. "It's going to be breathtaking when any potential buyers walk in and see it."

I had simply mentioned in passing how nice it would be to have a Miranda Cross painting in the new model condo, and three hours later, there was one sitting in my bedroom with a big pink bow on it. A Miranda Cross! She's the hottest artist in New York right now and even Prince Harry has been trying to get his hands on one for months.

"It's yours," Jack said as he wrapped his arms around me while I stared at it in shock.

Jax came in, touched my chin and winked at me. "You can keep it after we sell all of these places."

I was speechless. I still am.

These two men are always making me speechless.

After a bit of a struggle, my assistant and I put the painting on the wall. It would have been easier with Tyler, the qualified assistant that I originally wanted to hire, but I should have known how my two men would react to that. They insisted that I get a female assistant so I shrugged my shoulders and hired Sarah.

"It looks beautiful," she says as we step back to admire it.

It's stunning. This entire building is stunning.

A few months ago there was a rundown Chinese restaurant in its place. Jack and Jax bought it, tore it down, and put up an eighteen-floor building full of gorgeous high-end condos. It's my job to decorate the model condo that the buyers will see.

"How on earth did you get a Miranda Cross?" Sarah says, shaking her head as she looks up at it. "I heard that one of her pieces went for fifteen million dollars at auction."

My mouth drops. Fifteen million dollars? I wonder how much my boys had to pay to get one in less than three hours. I don't even want to think about it.

"Jack and Jax got it. I don't know how."

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